How to Reset Canon MP237 Printer

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For those of you who have a Canon MP237 printer, you may have experienced the P07 or E08 error. This error occurs because the IC Counter has reached its limit or has reached its limit. One of the indications that your printer is fixing this error is that when it is being purchased, an E08 or P07 error will appear on the LCD. 

How to Reset Canon MP237 Printer
How to Reset Canon MP237 Printer

In addition, the monitor will also display a window that says The Ink Absorber is Almost Full. If you have this, of course Canon MP237 must be reset. Here's a tutorial on How to Reset a Canon Mp237 Printer that you can follow easily.

How to Reset a Canon MP237 Printer

First, turn on your friend's Canon MP237 printer. You will see The Ink Absorber Almost Full on the approved monitor with the printer's LED light releasing multiple times. Before doing the reset, you need the Canon MP237 printer reset software which can be purchased here. On that page, you will be directed to the ad first, you can skip or just skip the ad.

Steps on How to Reset Canon Mp237 Printer:
  1.  Make sure your Canon MP237 printer is in Service Mode. How to read the steps below
  2. Turn off the Canon MP237 printer by pressing the power button, do not immediately unplug the power cable because it can cause damage
  3. After that press and hold the RESET / STOP button followed by replacing the power button. So in this step both buttons are both pressed
  4. Release the Reset or stop button but keep pressing the power button
  5.  Press the stop or reset button 6 times while still pressing the power button
  6. Traffic release these buttons simultaneously. This way you are already in Service Mode
  7. After entering service mode, extract the Service Tool 3400 file that you downloaded earlier and open the software
  8. On the clear ink counter menu, click Play and and select SET on the right side of the window
  9. After that click EEOPROM. Then your Canon MP2370 printer will automatically print 1 page
  10. After everything is finished, the Canon MP2370 printer with an error E08 or P07 will return to normal and ready to use.

This Canon MP237 printer is an old type, but you need to know that there are still a lot of users. This is evident from the many consumers in the country who still use this Canon MP 237 printer for their daily printing needs. 

This Multifunction Printer is one of the best-selling printers in its class, with a new price of under 1 million, making this Canon MP 237 Printer which can be used for Print Scan and Copy friendly in the user's pocket.

Thus the tutorial How to Reset a Canon Mp237 Printer with these easy steps. Hopefully the tutorial that has provided this time can help friends wherever you are in solving and fixing problems on the Canon printer that you currently have. Look forward to interesting articles about the next printer, thank you for visiting..🙂🙂🙂

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