How to Fix Printer Can't Pull Paper

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When going to print or when the process arrives, suddenly the printer can't pull the paper, have you ever fixed this? This problem often occurs. No need to worry or be afraid that the printer will be damaged, my friend can try to fix it yourself by following the tutorial on how to fix a printer that can't pull paper that has been compiled around the printer below:

How to Fix Printer Can't Pull Paper
Printer Can't Pull Paper

How to Fix Printer Can't Pull Paper

Perform Printer Check

Before deciding how to fix a printer that can't pull paper, there are things that need to be checked carefully, open the printer cover to see which parts want to enter the printing process.

Sometimes without us realizing it, there are only objects that can enter the printer, therefore it is necessary to check. If there is a foreign object that is blocking it, get rid of it immediately. Try to close the printer when not in use to prevent anything from entering.

Knowing Problems

If an inspection has been carried out and it turns out that there are no foreign objects in, then the cause that makes the printer unable to pull the paper is due to a difference in the printer roller and making an error. Printer rolls that have been in use for a long time can repair wear or thinning causing renewal to where the paper cannot.

If this is canceled, then the way to fix the printer that can't pull the paper is to repair the manual or replace the printer roll (paper puller).

How to Repair a Damaged Printer Roller

When it comes to repairing the roller printer yourself, have insulation or tape ready. The first step is to remove the printer roller through the rubber on the roller, open the tape to wrap it around the roller that is just below the rubber, do as much as 2 turns of insulation. 

If so, reinstall the rubber roller and printer roller to their original place. Until this hangover is announced over. Continue with the print test to find out the results, if it still doesn't work, it is necessary to add an insulating loop until it works.

How to Solve Print Errors or Blinking

Another cause that prevents the printer from picking up paper is errors or flashing. To overcome this, you have to do a reset via the software according to your printer type. An error occurred because the chipset EEPROM record on the mainboard is full so it needs to be set to zero.

Each type or brand of printer that requires a reset, usually has a different method, therefore agree on how to do the correct reset according to your printer. Performing a wrong reset can damage the device.

If the methods above are not successful enough to solve the problem you are facing, then you can take your printer to a repair shop to be repaired by someone who is more skilled. This is the last resort that you can do after all of the above methods have been done. So much information about how to fix a printer that can't pull paper that we can convey, hopefully it can be useful and helpful.

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