How to Fix a Clogged Canon Cartridge

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Canon is one of the most widely used brands by users of electronics, such as cameras and printers. Canon printers are widely used because they are easy to use for those of you who are buying your own for the first time. However, there is a problem with this printer, namely that the cartridge being moved is clogged. How to fix a clogged Canon printer cartridge you can do yourself at home because it's easy to try.

This problem is usually caused by the printer that will be used usually from the ink will dry and eliminate the holes in the printer. Here are some steps How to Fix Canon Cartridge Clogged that you can do to solve the problem easily.

How to Fix a Clogged Canon Cartridge
How to Fix a Clogged Canon Cartridge

How to Fix a Clogged Canon Cartridge


Prepare Equipment

Some of the equipment needed to repair a clogged Canon printer cartridge shipped is a head cleaner, a new printer ink, a vacuum cleaner that you can find at most computer supply stores, a receptacle that can be used to store cartridges, and some dry tissue containers.

After the materials and equipment are prepared, start the first step, which is to pour enough cleaning fluid into the prepared container. Then insert the cartridge into the container that has been filled with the head cleaning fluid and wait a while. Its function is to move the ink stuck to the top of the cartridge. The immersion time depends on the importance of the blockage.

Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the ink

A pre-prepared vacuum is used to store the ink marks provided at the bottom of the cartridge head. Do it as a whole until it is used up which is attached to the cartridge is really clean. After there are no more ink marks left, clean the cartridge using a dry tissue.

This cleaning process is the most important way to fix a clogged Canon printer due to the ink that must be removed. After that, reinstall the cartridge in your printer. Do this head cleansing for at least two times in a certain time span. Now you can use your Canon printer again.

Use cartridges to clean regularly

Blockage in the cartridge is certainly very confusing for you. therefore, use cartridges in your printer often so that blockages do not recur. Clean at least twice in a period of one month. Cleaning that is done regularly will prevent the cartridges in your printer from clogging due to the used ink used for purchases.

Repairing a Clogged Cartridge
Repairing a Clogged Cartridge

With easily available materials and quick cleaning, you can do how to fix a clogged Canon printer cartridge yourself without having to take it to a special printer service center. Some of the tips mentioned above hopefully can help you to prevent clogging of the cartridge again. 

That was the information on How to Fix a Clogged Canon Cartridge that we have summarized about printers. Make sure you follow the process according to the steps we have described. Hopefully this information can help you in repairing a clogged Canon cartridge. Hopefully useful and look forward to other articles about printers.

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