How to Fix a Canon iP2770 Printer Orange Light Blinks 3 Times

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The Canon iP2770 printer is used as a home printer that provides professional print quality at a relatively low price, when it first appeared. Of the many user reviews, the correct answer for the printer is quite good, including for photo awards. Approved cartridges spoil quickly, this printer is pretty good.

Even though the Canon iP2770 is approved no fuss, misuse will still cause damage problems to the printer. If this problem occurs, the printer will give a blink code or a blinking indicator light. Although the blink code is made for internal manufacturers, most of the blink code has been disseminated. All printers based on the indicator light blinking code that appears.

How to Fix a Canon iP2770 Printer Orange Light Blinks 3 Times
How to Fix a Canon iP2770 Printer Orange Light Blinks 3 Times

On average, printers, including Canon printers, set three indicator lights on the printer body. The indicator lights are green, yellow and red. In normal mode, when the printer is turned on, the green light is on. The printer indicator has no problems, and can print fine. But sometimes we will find the indicator light is on, for example, an amber indicator is on – flashing. 

This time will review the problem with the Canon iP2770 printer, the yellow indicator light has increased 3 times. What does it mean, how to fix a Canon iP2770 printer orange light flashes 3 times:

How to Fix a Canon iP2770 Printer Orange Light Blinks 3 Times

1. Clean the paper

On the Canon iP2770 Printer, the indicator light lights up 3 times meaning Paper Jams. What happens is because of paper or other objects in the printer. This can happen, if the compilation of paper placed in the printer machine is not positioned correctly, rolls or sticks together because it is wet. 

In order for your compilation to print, the printout can't pull it properly, and ends up getting stuck in it. Not out as usual. 

For that, my friend must keep the paper jam clean. Try not to fight or force anything that could damage the components. If you are having trouble pulling the jammed paper, you should take the printer out.

2. Clean the sensor

If saving the necessary paper and installing it is nothing else, how small is it necessary? But the printer still won't print and the yellow indicator light is still there, try cleaning the sensor components. A dirty sensor can cause dirt to stick to the sensor. 

Delayed sensor To fix this, my friend must open the cover so that the sensor can be installed on the printer. Wipe with a soft cloth. Make sure the tissue is left behind if you clean it using a tissue. Also clean the area around the sensor, clean the thick ink marks.

3. Reset the printer

After you save paper or other objects related to sensors on the printer, reset the printer if the printer still can't use the operation (read also: causes of offline printers, Differences between Browsers and Search Engines) To check the printer you can find the following steps printer :
  • Press and hold the continue button.
  • After three seconds, press the power button.
  • Hold down the second button for one second, then release the resume button. But you keep pressing the power button.
  • Press the resume button 5 times. The lights will turn on alternately.
  • Release the buttons at the same time.
  • Run the resetter program
  • Select Main & Plate, then press the Set button.
In order for the printer to last a long time, my friend must take good care of it. Use the printer regularly. Do not leave the printer running for too long, or working too long. Clean the head, so that print quality remains good. Turn off the printer when not in use, refill the ink before it runs out completely, and do not touch the pieces of the cartridge with your hands.

Thus, several ways to overcome How to Fix a Canon iP2770 Printer Orange Light Blinks 3 Times. Clear the jammed paper/other object, clean sensor, reset printer and finally, replace sensor component if previously failed with Canon iP2770 printer. We hope that this article has provided the information you need. Hopefully this article can be useful.

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