How to Clean a Dead Epson Printer Head

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Do you have a printer? Or do you always use a printer? For those of you who are no longer with printers, you must have experienced various problems, ranging from refilling ink, paper pulling itself, print running away, clogged, etc. All of these problems are commonly experienced by printers of any brand, including Epson brand printers.

If the Epson printer shows you such as blurry prints (not clear) or even no prints at all on paper. Do not panic! Maybe your head printer is having problems or needs to be removed. The printer head does solve this problem, which causes the ink to not come out normally. 

Then, what is the solution? Is there an easy way to clean the Epson printer head? No need to worry, in this article we will share information on how to clean the printer head.

Before we provide information about the steps for cleaning the Epson brand printer head, some suggest that you know about the printer head problem. Some of it is because the printer is used frequently or only occasionally, maintenance is rarely carried out such as head cleaning, using different ink or different Epson brands, often left for a long time when the ink runs out, etc.

All the things that were canceled earlier can make the printer head problematic or clogged. If you already have a problem, you can't help but have to disassemble it for the sake of the printer head, here's About Printers, we summarize How to Clean the Dead Epson Printer Head:

How to Clean a Dead Epson Printer Head

How to Clean a Dead Epson Printer Head
Epson Printer Head

1. Provide Tools and Materials

Before starting to clean the printer head, prepare the following tools and materials: Head cleaner, injection, special hose for Epson brand printer head nozzle, rag / rag.

How to Clean a Dead Epson Printer Head
  1. Cleaner suction head liquid by injection as much as 5 ml
  2. Attach the tube to the end of the injection
  3. Position the head unit to the center of the printer, this can be done manually or through software
  4. Take the cartridge
  5. Turn off the printer by unplugging the power cable
  6. Position your head to the side
  7. Install paper rolls for roll printers
  8. Attach the hose to the problematic nozzle post
  9. Hold the hose carefully, head down
  10. Then inject the head cleaner with the head to be clean or the frozen ink in the head comes out
  11. Refill the ink, reinstall the printer cartridge
  12. Finally do head cleaning and print test
  13. If after the print test, the print results are normal, then use an Epson print head with the steps above which have worked.

2. Second Alternative

If you have trouble getting a cleaning head, then you can replace it with alcohol, clothes bleach or ammonia mixed with air. This is an alternative ingredient that can be used as a head cleanser.

That's all for information from regarding how to clean the Epson Printer Head, which you can do easily and safely, of course. We hope this information can be useful and help my friend in cleaning the head on the printer. Good luck, good luck. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to write them in the comments column....

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