Download The Sims Livin' Large X Free for Mac

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Download The Sims Livin' Large X Free for Mac

A new look, new friends,  new friends, plus the best of the web, The Sims Live Big Expansion Pack turns life into a whole new experience for your Sims. 
With  new furniture and architecture, you can create rustic homes of last century, colorful Vegas-style living rooms, medieval castles and nostalgic "future houses"/ Science Fiction. Combine these architectural styles with custom skins to create your own look and feel for the game! 
Just when you thought you'd mastered The Sims, several new characters were added - and not just skins! Plus, you'll be able to interact with them in completely new ways.
There are also  new career tracks, including Lazy, Mystic, Hacker, Musician, and Journalist. And at home, there will be a number of new ways to develop your Sim's personality and skills. 
As a bonus, all of our uploads to date AND a selection of user-generated skins have been included in Livin' Large! So if you don't have the time or  inclination to download or surf the web at home, you won't miss a thing - it's all available on  disc for you. 

Download The Sims Livin' Large X

We update the app regularly so we can make it better for you.Get the latest version of all  the available features of The Sims Living' Large X for Mac. This release includes several bug fixes and performance improvements.


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