Download Podcaster for Mac

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Download Podcaster for Mac

The podcast industry is booming. Spotify, the world's largest music streaming service, is aggressively driving the Podcast experience with three acquisitions and exclusive partnerships with celebrity guests. 
Apple also notes and has developed a dedicated Podcast app for iPhone and Mac. Speaking of Mac, if you enjoy listening to podcasts like the iGeekBlog team, you should try the apps below for the best podcasting experience on macOS. 
Although podcasting has boomed in the last year, there are still some mysteries about how future broadcasters can actually get their programming out to the public.
Podcaster is the program to help you solve this problem. Once your podcast is created, the Podcaster does its job of adding  finishing touches to your masterpiece. 

Download Podcaster

You can add information such as links, email contact information, and keywords. The program also supports iTunes Music Store-specific tags for categories, copyright notices, and images. 
Another cool feature is the Advanced Podcast feature, which allows you to create chapters with specific images and web links.While not a great one-stop podcast app, Podcaster's narrow focus can be a great asset for podcast beginners as well as veterans.


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