Download Keka for Mac

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Download Keka for Mac

Keka for Mac is a useful and easy-to-use macOS compression and backup application for managing all aspects of compressed files on your desktop or Finder window. With features like multi-file compression, support for all major compression formats, and a drag-and-drop interface, this tool definitely deserves to be found on your toolbar or main window. 
To make the application more attractive to both novices and experts, this 100% free application has wide compatibility for  compressing and decompressing archive formats, but you should be aware that  all decompression formats are also not supported for compression. 
In addition to popular formats like ZIP, RAR, and 7-Zip, Keka for macOS can also handle popular CD/DVD  image archives in ISO format, which is great news for those Disk collectors  want to make use of faster discs . load using a virtual CD/DVD drive. 
Users who deal with large files may need an application to compress and decompress them.Keka for Mac performs all  the required functions  of a file storage application and has many useful options  for advanced users. 
This program is free and best of all without any ads. The download and installation completed as quickly as expected. There doesn't seem to be any technical support or product updates and, moreover, no tutorials, which less experienced Mac users may find frustrated as the program's options can cause problems. mistake. 
The user interface also lacks useful details, but the program proves to be quite easy  to use. The settings menu provides options for the output type, with all  the commonly used formats. 
The user can also adjust the compression speed and location of the  output file. Although there are few additional options, Keka for Mac also allows extracting compressed files, which is essential for this type of program. 
 Once set as default, the program can be used by right clicking on the file to be compressed. In our tests, compression completed as quickly as in similar programs. Despite its outdated interface, Keka for Mac does good compression and extraction, and works with some useful formats. This program is suitable for advanced Mac users who deal with larger files.

Download Keka Free for Mac

With Keka you can compress as many files as you want in a bunch of formats. Divide files and protect them with a password is now a kids game. Just drop the files you want to compress to the Keka icon in the Dock or the main window.

Also Keka can extract lots of compressed files, from Zip and 7z to Rar archives, even parted ones. Just double click on those files and they will be extracted using Keka, or drop them to the icon in the Dock or the main window.


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