Download iSFV for Mac

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Download iSFV for Mac

iSFV is an easy-to-use tool for checking the integrity of SFV files. Use it to test for corrupt files in packages that come with SFV files. SFV stands for Simple File Verification. It is a file format typically used to store CRC32 checksums of other files to verify their integrity.

Let's say  you want to transfer 10 files over the internet, but you want the person receiving them to be absolutely sure that the files haven't changed during the transfer, which can happen. You then create an SFV file with information about your files. 

When someone receives the files, they can use iSFV to ensure all  files are exactly the same. If any of the files change, iSFV will notify you  and you can download them again. 
The best way to use iSFV is to combine it with .SFV files. So if you want to check  the integrity of the files, you can click on the related SFV file. The application  then scans all files and displays different statuses based on their integrity. 

Green indicates the file is identical to the source file, red indicates problems, and orange indicates the file is missing.

What’s new in version 0.31

  • Version 0.31:
  • This is a bug fix release, the last to support Mac OS X 10.4.
  • Fixed crash on non-UTF8 compatible encodings.
  • Fixed progress bar indicator.

Download iSFV

We update the app regularly so we can make it better for you. Get the latest version for all of the available iSFV for Mac features. This version includes several bug fixes and performance improvements.


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