Download G7ToWin for Windows

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Download G7ToWin for Windows

G7ToWin is a tool that allows you to  view and edit the information stored in GPS devices. The app is designed to work with Garmin GPS devices. G7ToWin enables communication with practically all devices that work with the RS-232 port. 
G7ToWin displays a broad user interface that makes it convenient to use  if you have at least a basic understanding of GPS data editing. Once your device is connected you have a direct way to download waypoints, tracks, routes and proximity points. 

You can send waypoints to MapSource or SA, remove exact duplicates and resolve duplicates. You can also create fictional routes, itineraries and events. 
To add a waypoint using G7ToWin, enter information about  degree display mode, address, altitude, depth, proximity, temperature, waypoint name, and longitude and latitude coordinates. 
G7ToWin is used to transfer data between Garmin, Magellan or Lowrance/Eagle GPS devices and a computer. Supported Lowrance/Eagle units include those communicating using Lowrance protocol version 1 or 2.
This applies to most devices up to and including  GlobalMap 100. Specifically, it excludes most newer LEIs, including iFinder, that do not use either protocol. 

Download G7ToWin  for Windows for free 

We regularly update the application to improve it. Download the latest version of all available features of G7ToWin. This version includes several bug fixes and performance improvements.


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