Download AnyTrans for Mac

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Download AnyTrans for Mac

AnyTrans for Mac is an emphasized and complete iOS content manager. It gives both control and freedom over all users iOS data and files, including music, videos, photos, messages, books, Safari history, voicememo, no matter the content is on an iPhone, or iTunes backup or even from iCloud.

Features and Highlights

  • Let the best music management experience happen inside of you
To give you the best iPhone, iPod music management experience is what the new AnyTrans made for.

Ultra-modern design, super-fast music transferring speed, along with features of made-only-for-Apple-devices, the app opens up a completely new path to manage your iPhone, iPad, iPod and iTunes music library in a way you even think impossible.

  • Make any videos perfectly fit your Retina display, automatically
AnyTrans for macOS is the first solution that makes your iPhone capable of playing any video you have. Owning such an iOS file manager on your desktop, you are now free to put all your classic movies or camcorder recordings, right onto your iPhone or iPad. 

As the sound and image will be perfectly optimized, that's how the tool excels to give you the best viewing experience.

AnyTrans is simple to install and get going. The nice thing is there’s nothing to install on your iOS device – the client only needs to be installed on your PC or Mac. In fact, the only thing you have to do on your iPhone or iPad is confirm that the device is a Trusted Connection when you first connect it.

As soon as you connect your iOS device to your machine, AnyTrans automatically detects the type of device and gives you a variety of options. At a glance, it instantly displays all of the media files available on your device. 

From there, it’s simply a case of selecting the files you want to transfer, and clicking “Import” in the bottom right corner. Alternatively, you can just select “Import All” and it will import all media to your computer or iTunes library.

Download AnyTrans for Mac Free for Mac

We update the app regularly so we can make it better for you. Get the latest version for all of the available AnyTrans for Mac features. This version includes several bug fixes and performance improvements.

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