Canon PIXMA iP2770 Printer Orange Light Blinks 4 Times

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Indeed, this type of Cannon IP2770 printer often experiences problems or errors that occur, but these problems may not be resolved because if they cannot be resolved, it means that the printer, including the printer, is a product failure. 

The problem of installing the orange indicator light 4 times is no stranger to printer technicians because this problem is common, because the blinking orange light is caused by your printer experiencing a Full Printer Absorber. This time around Printers, I will explain how to solve the Canon Ip2770 Printer, the Orange Light Blinks 4 Times.

Canon iP2770 Printer Orange Light Blinks 4 Times
Canon iP2770 Printer Orange Light Blinks 4 Times

The reason why the printer is increasing Absorber full and being opened increased 4 times the indicator light is orange. This is because your printer has reached the printing limit if it is like this then the printer that you are using will sulk and ask to be repaired. 

How to fix a Canon IP2770 printer The orange light on 4 times is quite easy, my friend just needs enough patience, according to my friend, if you don't need to be patient, this problem is impossible to solve. 

My advice is don't take it to a repairman just yet, why? Because of course my friend requires a fee that is not cheap, it would be better to fix it yourself. 

A little story about my experience when repairing a Cannon IP2770 printer which solved the problem of the Orange light that rotates 4 times with a green light 1 time, I used to not be able to fix it but I am pretentious and can, thus, I know soberly. my knowledge just change the tutorial is on then after that I start the steps listed there, the steps are quite easy, if my friend wants to follow the tutorial below:
  1. Make sure your printer is turned off
  2. Then you have to return the Resmue / button which produces orange, and keep holding your button.
  3. Next, my friend, turn it on with the power button, the button that produces green, and hold it. Thus, the button continues and the power holds and holds all.
  4. Then buddy release the orange / continue button, and don't release the green / power button
  5. After that press the orange / continue button 6 times and then hold it.
  6. Make sure the step 5 button is fixed.
  7. Then release the orange/advanced and green/power buttons at the same time.

If the above method does not work, then my friend can apply the other tips below:
  • Disconnect the power cord (ON / OFF)
  • Open the printer cover, and then slide the cartridge manual into the center by pushing the white latch behind the cartridge carrier using a screwdriver or similar.
  • Remove the cartridge, leaving the cover open
  • The printer starts and opens where the cartridges fall right and left
  • Reinstall the cartridge, and then return the cartridge to the cartridge
  • Then turn on the printer again.

Well after my friend did the steps I said above in sequence and correctly I can ask if on my printer, my friend only turns on the green light / power. Then your printer can be repaired and can be used, but still remains as it is now, then do the steps I said next.

Hopefully the tutorial about the Canon Ip2770 Printer Orange Flashing 4 Times that has provided this time can be useful and help solve the problems you have. Good luck, good luck!!

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