Download phpMyAdmin 5.2.0

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Download phpMyAdmin 5.2.0

phpMyAdmin is freeware written in the PHP programming language which is used to handle MySQL database administration over local networks or the internet.

In the past, the database manager had to manage the database through command text commands and only Microsoft Excel. On Linux using the terminal, while on windows using the command prompt. Because MySQL is an RDBMS database management system without a GUI to manage it.

The growing use of MySQL triggers third-party developers to develop a graphical GUI system to perform database management on MySQL. The development of phpMyAdmin was started in 1998 by Tobias Ratschiller, an experienced IT consultant.

By then, phpMyAdmin was already one of the most popular PHP application and MySQL administration tools in the world, with a very large community of users and contributors. 

To coordinate the growing number of patches, three developers including Olivier Müller, Marc Delisle and Loïc Chapeaux, registered the phpMyAdmin project on and took over development in 2001. Since 2015 development has been based entirely on GitHub sources.

phpMyAdmin is a web application that is open source since it was first created and developed. With the support of many developers and translators, this application has developed quite rapidly with the availability of many language choices. 
To date, there are approximately 80 languages ​​supported by the MyAdmin web application. This program supports various MySQL operations, including (managing databases, tables, fields), relations, indexes, users, permissions, and others.

Basically, managing databases with MySQL must be done by typing the appropriate command lines for each specific purpose. phpMyAdmin offers features that include managing the entire MySQL server (requires a super-user) as well as a single database. phpMyAdmin also has internal systems used to manage metadata and supports features for advanced operations. 

Through the system administrator, this application can also manage users and at the same time their access rights (privileges). Well, for those of you who especially work as a database administrator with MySQL as the database of choice, there's no harm in using it for ease of management.

Download the Latest phpMyAdmin

  • License: Freeware 
  • Developer: Tobias Ratschiller
  • Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11

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