Download Mod Bussid Truck Fuso+Volvo Heavy Wood Load

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Download Mod Bussid Truck Fuso+Volvo Heavy Wood Load

Download the Bussid Truck Fuso + Volvo Heavy Wood Load Mod – Hi friends, see you again with the admin. As usual, this time the admin will share the latest MOD BUSSID, namely Truck vehicles because many prefer it to others (Even though the name of the game is Bus Simulator, hehehe). Okay, before, the admin has shared a lot of bussid truck mods, starting from Hino, Canter and so on.

Now, this time it's Truck Fusso and Volvo's turn. Special because this MOD on the tailgate is not empty or is carrying goods, so the reality is more real when playing this Indonesian Bus Simulator game. Both are carrying wood, but the appearance is certainly different, yes.

Fusso and Volvo are one of the types of trucks that are most often found in Flowering Countries like Indonesia, especially in rural areas, for those of you who often see it, of course you really want to try playing this Bussid Game with this Bussid Livery Truck, right? Okay, for those who can't wait, just download it below.

Even though this mod is transporting goods, don't get me wrong, if the speed is still fast and really smooth, just to play this BUSSID game, it doesn't lag when running.

Download the Latest Bussid Truck Fuso and Volvo MODs

The Fusso Truck is also highly sought after by fans of the Indonesian Bus simulator game because the uniqueness of this Truck is endless. The mod below is fusso BIG, the dominant color is light blue, where the back of the truck is carrying wood, of course this makes fusso even more unique and when run in the game it looks more like real.

Bussid Truck Fuso Heavy Load Mod

Besides that, the MOD size is also quite light, which is only 9 MB so there is no lag when running, okay, let's just download it and for those who are curious, this is the appearance of this fusso BIG truck MOD.

Screenshot of Fusso Bussid Mod

Apart from that, other types, namely Volvo trucks, are both transporting goods in the form of wood, it's just that the appearance for this mod is more colorful, a combination of dark blue and white and black, the size of the vehicle is also lighter, I personally prefer this mod. But if you like big ones, the fusso mod above can be the best choice.

Wood Loading Volvo Bussid Truck Mod

Unlike the previous mods, the Volvo truck is bigger, which is 25 MB, but I personally prefer this one because it looks smaller and unique and the model is scary, here's what it looks like.

Mod Truck Volvo Bussid
ScreenShoot of Mod Truck Volvo Bussid


That's the share from the admin this time for the Bussid Truck Fuso and Volvo Mods, if you are still experiencing problems such as the mod doesn't appear after being installed or problems when downloading, you can comment below this post... Thank for Visit this web,,,

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