Download GeekUninstaller

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Download GeekUninstaller

Geek Uninstaller is a portable application that can be used to Add Remove programs and offers features to help remove corrupted or hard-to-uninstall programs from your PC/Laptop. One of the main interesting features behind Windows' built-in uninstallers is that they tend to leave some files, folders or registry entries back. That's why most IT Pros tend to use third-party uninstallers to perform a clean uninstall.

You have trouble uninstalling a lot of applications that are not important? There's even an app you can't uninstall? If you experience problems like the above, don't despair first. Try using this one software.

Geek Uninstaller is a free uninstaller designed to remove programs installed on your laptop & computer. By using GeekUninstaller, not only the program to be uninstalled will be removed from your computer, but all remnants of the program that remain on the computer after the program is uninstalled.

After the applications & programs are removed from the computer using the Windows uninstaller, in most cases, the data not removed from these operating system programs remains. Which has not been successfully removed during the uninstall (removal) process. Therefore, to completely remove the program from the computer, you can use a special software uninstaller program.

You can use GeekUninstaller for the Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11 operating system in either the 32-bit or 64-bit versions. Plus this application does not need to require an installation process because this application is a portable application. So you can take it everywhere on a flash disk or cloud storage.

Some Features of Geek Uninstaller:
  • Force Removal to remove an application that sticks and also leaves traces, or even an application that does not require an installation process.
  • Remove Entry to help remove apps from the GeekUninstaller list.
  • Registry Entry helps you to open application registry folders.
  • The Installation Folder will help you to open the installation folder of the application you selected.
  • Google for to help you find out more information about the application you are using.

Download the Latest Geek Uninstaller

  • License: Freeware 
  • Developer: Thomas Koen
  • Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11

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