Download Evernote 10.44.8 Build 3632

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Download Evernote 10.38.3 Build 3437

EverNote is an application to take notes, save ideas, collect articles found while browsing the internet. If in the past some of us used manual notes from paper and pen, now writing activities have become accustomed to using more sophisticated devices. With a variety of applications that can be used via your laptop or smartphone.

You could say now we can write anywhere more easily. Moreover, it is supported by applications such as Evernote. An application that is able to store notes in various formats such as office and PDF in the cloud so that it is more flexible.

For those of you who like to jot down ideas, schedules, or whatever you want, now you can take notes and access your notes whenever and wherever you are by using this free service from this handy notepad! 

Maybe you find an idea when you're somewhere, want to capture some photos and notes while you're on vacation, or just want to write down your various schedule activities to manage your work time. This application provides a note-taking service for you for free.

Basically, Evernote is an application that allows you to take notes on anything. To access those notes, you can add Tags, even divide your Evernote notes into small parts so you can take notes on something specific.

The best part of the App is the flexibility it offers in compiling notes. With a combination of labeling and notebook. Evernote is a notetaking service and application, which is useful for storing and archiving any kind of notes, memos, photos, files, audio clips, web pages (web clipping), or even digital “handwriting”.

All these archives are stored centrally on Evernote servers, but can be synchronized and accessed via various computers or tablets and smartphones connected to the internet. Supports most popular platforms such as Microsoft Windows, OS X, Android, iOS, Chrome OS, Windows Phone, Blackberry, and webOS.

You can create a new note by clicking "New Note". This feature is also not only in the form of written notes. You can even include your webcam or audio files so that your notes are not just typed, but can also be audio-visual notes.

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