Download BurnAware 15.8

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Download BurnAware 15.5

BurnAware Free is freeware that can be used to burn CDs, DVDs, and Blu-rays. This application is ideal for backups, data transfer (audio mp3, videos, images) and also has an interface that is quite easy to use.

Burning DVDs, Blu-rays and CDs can indeed be done directly on the Windows operating system, but due to the lack of built-in Windows features, this software can be used as an alternative choice. Data burning applications to DVD and CD are needed in every activity related to multimedia & data. This application helps to copy all the data you need into CDs and DVDs.

The example that we often encounter when we need an installer application for IT tools such as printers and scanners, we can save installer data by burning it through an application that can save the data to DVD and CD media.

Just like Nero Burn Lite, BurnAware Free is a free version of the premium version. Luckily, the free version has all the features you need to burn DVDs, Blu-rays and CDs. No need for hard disk space because the on-the-fly burn process is one of the advantages of this free software.

However, this latest version of BurnAware has not completely changed, and what has not changed is the loss of the disc to disk copy function, and you can use it for free but for personal use only.

The features available in the free BurnAware Free burning software include:
  1. Burn, backup or copy files from computer to CD, DVD or Blu-ray
  2. Create a bootable CD or DVD
  3. It has a multisession disk feature. Creating 1 disc can be burned multiple times.
  4. Create Audio CD
  5. Create video DVD or MP3 CD/DVD
  6. Create and burn starndard or boot disc images
  7. Copy disc into ISO image
  8. Erase re-writable CDs, DVDs or Blu-rays
  9. Creating a DVD-Video Recording a boot disk image
  10. Support all hardware interface (IDE/SCSI/USB/1394/SATA) Support UDF/ISO9660/Joliet Bridged file system
  11. Auto-verification of written files Supports CD-text and unicode characters.

Download the Latest BurnAware

  • License: Freeware 
  • Developer: Burnaware
  • Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11

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