How to Transfer Files with SHAREit Through the Bluetooth Feature Easily

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SHAREit is an android application that can be used by users to transfer or send various types of files such as applications, music, videos, images quickly.

Compared to bluetooth, shareit speed is much more effective, especially if sending videos that are too large in size. So don't be surprised if users prefer to use shareit than bluetooth. It is proven that 500 million people have downloaded and used it, plus the shareit file size is not too large.

The most important thing in sending data is that every smartphone that wants to transfer or receive data must have the shareit application. In essence, the two connected smartphones must have the shareit application.

How to use SHAREit via Bluetooth

How to Transfer Files with SHAREit Through the Bluetooth Feature Easily

If one of the devices has not installed the shareit application, don't worry because you can still share applications via bluetooth. Maybe this is not widely known to users, because most people think they have to download the application through the Playstore, even though they can share via Bluetooth. Then, how? Come on, see the following explanation.

1. Open the SHAREit application on your smartphone. Then, click the invite logo at the top left of the application. Download SHAREit here

SHAREit application

2. After that, select the Bluetooth menu.

Bluetooth menu

3. Then, click OK to enable bluetooth.

4. Before selecting a bluetooth device, don't forget to turn on bluetooth on other devices. After bluetooth on the device has been activated, please select the name of the bluetooth device.

select the name of the bluetooth device

5. Next, on another smartphone that has been connected bluetooth with the previous device. You will receive the SHAREit file that was sent earlier. Click accept, to accept the application.

6. After the download is complete, open My file or my file then click the installation file which contains the application in apk form.

7. Then, click on the download section.

download section

8. Next, click the base.apk application.


9. Finally, to use the SHAREit application, you must install the application by clicking Install or install.

How, easy isn't it? So, even if one of your smartphones doesn't have the shareit application installed, you can send the shareit apk via bluetooth without having to eat a lot of internet quota. Hopefully useful and can be applied to every user. Thank you and good luck with the tutorial above!

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