Download Avidemux 2.8.0

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Download Avidemux 2.8.0

Avidemux is a free video editor software designed for video editing, encoding, and filtering processes. It supports a large number of file types such as AVI, MPEG, VOB, TS, MP4, ASF, OGM, MKV and FLV. Editing a video to make it more interesting or to our liking in terms of the editing process and coding filtering can be done easily.

Currently Avidemux natively supports a wide range of Video/Audio formats, including MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 ASP, H.264/AVC, DV, HuffYUV, MP3, AAC, AC-3 and Vorbis. Each function can be automated using project tools. Video-DVD or (S) VCD compliant streams can be created easily using the “Auto” wizards, also supports Multi-threading.

Besides being free, Avidemux can run on various operating systems, such as Linux, BSD, Mac OS X and Windows. This application is a free and open-source program for video editing, video processing and even creating / producing videos in DVD format (with the addition of the open source dvdauthor program).

Avidemux's specialty is that it can cut videos, copy, give logos and give text or subtitles to video material, merge two or more videos into one with an unlimited duration (time-line).

In addition, if the function used is limited to cutting or merging two or more videos, then Avidemux can carry out its duties without reducing the original video quality (according to the initial video quality/no degradation).
Some of the advantages of Avidemuxx features include:
  1. Convert from DVD to AVI, and various other video formats.
  2. Edit videos (Cut, Copy, Paste and Delete)
  3. Cut Video and save it in various other video formats.
  4. Saving Audio (sound) only
  5. Save Video without sound
  6. Convert video into DVD format, so that it can be run via DVD Player.
  7. Deinterlacing Videos
  8. Cut Videos from various supported video formats and save them in the same or other formats.
  9. Multiple video conversion (batch convert) and Support Scripting (using Avidemux with ECMAScript programming language)

Download the Latest Avidemux

  • License: Freeware 
  • Developer: Avidemux LLC
  • Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11

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