An interesting information especially for you users of Your Phone application, where based on the latest information from Microsoft, Your Phone application has now changed its name to Phone Link, and besides that there is also another interesting change, namely a change in appearance.
The interface of Phone Link now brings the Windows 11 style, with some changes and improvements to the Navigation section of the application.
In general, nothing has changed from this application, both the main features and capabilities are still the same as the Your Phone application yesterday, because what has changed is only the name, even the Icon brought by this application is still the same.
Now you can just update your Your Phone application on the Microsoft Store page, or you can download it directly on the following page.
Now friends, apart from bringing a name change and a change to the appearance of the application, Phone Link is now reaching more countries, including China with its collaboration with HONOR, a smartphone company headquartered in China.
“Phone Link is now available in China thanks to a partnership with HONOR, making these experiences now available on HONOR Magic V, Magic 4 series and Magic 3 series devices, with more to come.” Microsoft said.
For this new name, I quite like it, compared to the name Your Phone, what do you think? comment below guys.