Tutorial How to Merge Hard Drive Partitions Into One in Windows 10

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Tutorial How to Merge Hard Drive Partitions Into One in Windows 10

Do you know how to merge hard drive partitions? Hard disk is one of the important hardware in a computer or laptop. The function of the hard disk is none other than as a permanent storage medium to store various kinds of files of various sizes. 

This hardware provides a feature called hard disk partitioning or hard disk capacity sharing. Hard disk partitioning is a method used to divide the hard disk capacity into several parts so that its use can be more effective.

With this division, your data will not be mixed into one. Just imagine if you do not share your hard drive. Later the data will become one with the system data where conditions like this will only be inconvenient and prone to your data being deleted.

How to Merge Hard Drive Partitions Into One

Here I will explain about how to easily merge hard disk partitions in Windows 10. Check out the steps.
  1. For example, here I want to merge the DATA 2 partition (E:) into one with the DATA 1 partition (D:). Therefore, make sure you first backup data / move files on the DATA 1 partition (D:)
  2. Go to Disk Management by right-clicking the Windows logo located in the lower left corner of the desktop.
  3. As I mentioned earlier, that I want to merge the DATA 2 partition into the DATA 1 partition, so that later the size of the DATA 1 partition will increase. Right-click the DATA 2 partition and select Delete Volume.
  4. A notification will appear that all data in the DATA 2 partition will be deleted, select Yes.
  5. The deleted partition will become Free space. Please right click, then select Delete Partition.
  6. If you get a notification like this, select Yes.
  7. After that, right-click the DATA 1 partition and select Extend Volume.
  8.  Select Next.
  9. Select Next again.
  10.  After that select Finish.
  11. The DATA 1 partition which was originally around 20GB in size is now 30GB.

By merging two or more partitions into one, you will get the following benefits:

1. Provide convenience for users

The first function of the hard disk partition is to provide convenience to the user. We have explained briefly that with the distribution of this hard drive, you can be more effective in using the storage media.

When you store data in one partition, what you will experience is hassle and confusion because there will be a lot of data that accumulates and becomes one.

Of course, no one wants to experience something like this. Therefore, you can use the hard disk partition feature to divide some hard disk capacity into several parts. Suppose you divide it into 3 partitions.

Maybe the first partition you can fill with system data, the second partition with work or school data, and the third partition for entertainment files such as video, audio, and files for the game master.

2. The use of the hard disk can be more optimal

The second purpose of having a hard disk partition is to make the use of the hard disk more optimal. Your storage area will be more organized and will not become one. You can divide each hard drive capacity according to your wishes.

But before dividing the capacity, make sure you have determined how many partitions you need and how much capacity for each hard disk partition.

3. Computers can work faster

Computer performance tends to be disturbed when all your data becomes one on one hard drive. This is because the search process or index file will take a long time so that computer performance becomes slow. It's different when you've partitioned your hard drive. You can type the file according to the location of the hard disk partition.

4. Data will be more secure

Data can be more secure in the event of an error on the drive related to system management. For example, if drive C has a problem, then this condition is likely to have no effect on Drive D, and vice versa.

That's a tutorial on how to combine two or more partitions into one so that the partition size gets bigger and can be used to store more data.

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