The Complete Way to Overcome Dry and Clogged Printer Ink

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The Complete Way to Overcome Dry and Clogged Printer Ink

Troubleshooting Dry Printer Ink is not coming out – Dry and clogged printer ink is one of the most annoying printer problems. Especially when my friend is printing documents that are important and needed at that time.
Before you retire the printer or replace the cartridges just because of these problems, it's a good idea for you to find the most appropriate way to solve the dry and clogged printer ink problem. Because actually the problem is not difficult to overcome as long as you know the cause.

Why can printer ink dry/clog?

There are several reasons why printers, especially inkjet versions, refuse to print or just eject blank paper without printing results, most often because the ink cartridges in the printer have dried up, so the printheads become clogged and the ink does not come out.

In general, ink that suddenly dries and clogs often occurs if the printer is not used for a long period of time, so the ink dries up and clumps causing clogging problems.

The second reason is due to dirt and too much air entering the ink tube, this problem occurs because the ink tube is left open and not closed properly, so that air and dirt in the form of dust unwittingly enter the ink tube, so that dirt accumulates at the bottom of the tube. causes the ink to clump and dry faster than it should.

2 Methods for Overcoming Dry and Clogged Printer Ink

Here are some ways you can do it yourself to deal with dry and clogged printer ink.

1. Clean the print head with Deep Cleaning Facility and Nozzle Check

The printer driver has built-in print head cleaning functions and facilities, which consist of standard cleaning and deep cleaning, if standard cleaning does not solve the blockage problem, then you need to do a deep cleaning, here are the steps:

>> Step 1: Click “Start” from the Windows desktop and click “Devices and Printers.”

>> Step 2: Right-click on your printer icon and click “Properties.”

>> Step 3: Once it opens, select the “Maintenance” tab and click “Deep Cleaning.” Your printer will start making sounds as if it is printing, please wait until the message that displays stating the cleaning job is complete.

>> Step 4: When a deep cleaning is performed, also run the Nozzle Check option from the Maintenance tab to make sure the nozzle or nozzle is not clogged.

Also note If the print pattern, if the print pattern is clear, the printer blockage has been fixed. If the printhead remains clogged after performing a deep cleaning, try turning off your printer for 24 hours, and then repeating the nozzle cleaning again until the print pattern is clear.

2. Soak the Cartridge with Warm Water (Old Cartridge Models)

If in the first method the ink does not come out and is clogged, then you need to soak the cartridge in warm water. How to deal with printing not coming out because this dry ink can be tried if you really feel the cartridge is old, it hasn't been used for a long time because if you use this method, it means that you are ready to accept the risk of the cartridge being damaged.

If you've seen the video at a glance above, here's an explanation of the steps:
  • Step 1: Remove the ink cartridge from the cartridge slot housing
  • Step 2: Prepare a small container and fill it with a little warm water, at least at the bottom of the ink outlet on the immersed cartridge
  • Step 3: Please soak the bottom of the cartridge with warm water, just soak for a while and don't take more than 10 minutes
  • Step 4: Clean the remnants of water and, gently paste a soft tissue in the dipped hole earlier so that the remaining ink + water is felt to have all come out
  • Step 5: Perform the print head cleaning process with the deep cleaning facility.
  • Step 7: Print out the print pattern to see if the ink has flowed or is still clogged, based on experience, usually the cartridge will be normal after cleaning the print head, but if the printer ink is still clogged, it means that the problem is with the damaged cartridge chip, if the cartridge chip is damaged, like it or not, you have to buy a new cartridge.

Those are some ways to deal with clogged printer ink that doesn't come out and is clogged, resulting in the printer not being able to print perfectly on all colors and lines in printing. hopefully it's useful and if you feel that you don't dare to do this method, communicate it first with a printer technician/IT person you know, good luck..

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