Icecream Password Manager Free Download

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Icecream Password Manager Free Download (The Latest) - ERZEDKA
Icecream Password Manager - is a free application for Windows PC that can be used to manage accounts or passwords including social media accounts, credit cards, bank accounts and so on. If you have multiple accounts to access certain services or sites on the internet, you no longer need to remember or record them manually. 

With just one password you can get access to all the accounts stored in this application. This application also provides a special plugin for Chrome and Firefox browsers that can fill in online forms or login automatically according to the account information you save.

Icecream Password Manager Features

Actually there are many free applications that you can use to manage passwords or online accounts on a Windows PC including KeePass, LastPass and so on. Although this application is not as popular as the two applications, this application is equipped with a series of interesting features that can make it easier for you to manage passwords, you don't have to bother remembering or manually recording accounts.

This application is usually chosen by users who want to use a password manager application that can be used for free, because all the features embedded in this application can be used completely for free. The number of users who prefer to use this application is certainly not without reason, here are some features and advantages of Icecream Password Manager that you need to know.

1. Access all accounts with one master password

By using this application you can save all online accounts that you have, all accounts stored in this application can be accessed with only one master password. In addition, this application is also equipped with a note feature that can be used to make important information or notes about the account you have.

2. Security

All accounts stored in this application are encrypted using AES 256 so you don't have to worry about your saved passwords being known by others.

3. Fill in the automatic login form

By using this application, you also don't need to bother typing account credentials manually when you want to enter certain sites, because this application is equipped with a browser plugin that can fill out online forms automatically according to the account information you save.

4. Sync Dropbox

Worried about a computer problem causing your account data to be lost? Using this app you can automatically back up data to Dropbox cloud storage. In short, if you are looking for a password manager application that is rich in features and can be used completely for free then Icecream Password Manager is one application that you need to consider.

Release Notes

  • 1.16
  • Added Turkish language.
  • Fixed bugs and improved other features.

Download the Latest Icecream Password Manager

  • Latest Version: 1.16
  • Publisher: Icecream Apps
  • Operating System: Windows
  • App Category: Security & Privacy
  • License: Freeware

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