How to Troubleshoot Errors E03 and P03 on a Canon MP 258 Printer Printer

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Maybe lmost all Canon MP 258 Printer users have experienced this problem, this E03 or P03 error problem is actually a simple problem, in normal cases the cause is E03 and P03 Error Problems on Canon MP 258 Printer is the paper that runs out when we print.

Therefore, the way to solve the problem of Error E03 and P03 on the Canon MP 258 Printer in its normal state is to give paper to the printer then press the color photocopy button once, then the printer will automatically resume its work.

In addition to the paper that runs out when we print, the E03 and P03 Error problems on the Canon MP 258 Printer can also be caused by a dirty or damaged timing sensor, so tips and tricks to solve the E03 and P03 Error problems on the Canon MP 258 Printer like this case is to clean or replace the timing sensor on the left near the body (outer casing) of the Canon MP 258 printer.

The roller is the part of the printer that pulls paper from the paper tray during the printing process. If the error code E03 appears on the Canon MP258 or MP287 printer, it is most likely that there is an object blocking the roller's working process. Apart from that, this error could indicate damage to the roll sensor which functions to read the movement of the roller.

Cause of Error E03 Canon MP258 Printer

  • The following are several causes of printer error E03
  • The printer jams when printing and paper remains in the print.
  • There is a foreign object in the printer roller so it cannot work.
  • The output paper tray is still closed
  • Defective roller sensor.
  • The round encoder sensor is damaged.

The way to clean or replace the Canon MP 258 printer timing sensor

How to Troubleshoot Errors E03 and P03 on a Canon MP 258 Printer Printer

  1. Open the back cover of the printer (the part that is black) remove the 2 screws (nuts) on the right and left and then pull it towards the top and push it out a little.
  2. Open the left side cover of the printer by first opening the lock at the bottom, pressing and pushing it outwards. Or you just need to open the gray left side cover by pressing a little inward and pushing it outward (as much as the paper comes out)
  3. If the left cover is open, we will see a transparent plastic disk which we call the timing sensor. If it is found then immediately clean it with alcohol and a soft cloth. If it is already damaged, then there is no need to hesitate to remove it from the adhesive because the timing sensor is actually only attached with glue.

For the price of the timing sensor itself, you can directly ask at the nearest computer store around where you live.

Alright, that's enough tips and tricks on How to Troubleshoot Errors E03 and P03 on a Canon MP 258 Printer that I can share, hopefully it can help all of you who are facing and looking for ways to solve the problem of Error E03 and P03 on a Canon MP 258 Printer. 

All the steps above are the result from my personal experience in overcoming printer problems that I have experienced.

So don't be afraid to give it a try. f there is something you want to ask, you can submit it in the comments column below or by sending a message/email to us, see the contact page to see the erzedka team email in the menu on that page.


Generally, the Canon MP258 printer error E03 is caused by a foreign object entering the printer and preventing the printer from printing. To fix it, you have to open the top cover of the printer and remove the foreign object.

If it doesn't work, please check the roller sensor section or round encoder section. If in doubt, it's best to take it to a trusted printer service center in your city.

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