How to Solve the Maintenance Printer Preferences Button Not Appearing

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How to Solve the Maintenance Printer Preferences Button Not Appearing

Modern printing machines such as printers are indeed very helpful for various printing needs and others. But, what if the printer has a problem? Obviously the process of printing documents, scanning to copying is disrupted, right. No need to worry, for every printer problem you can check through the maintenance menu.

However, what if the maintenance page doesn't exist? Is there a way to fix the printer preferences menu maintenance page not showing up? because this should be a mandatory menu.

The maintenane mode on the printer is a menu where the printing machine maintenance process can be carried out. It will be an additional problem if the maintenace menu option cannot be found, right? In fact, every printer has a maintenance option for the machine maintenance mode.

How to find the maintenance page on the printer

To be able to know where the printer maintenance mode is, you can get it in the properties. How to open the Devices and printer page > right click on the printer device > select properties and you will find the maintenance menu.

1. Why is the Maintenance Preferences page not showing up?

The maintenance menu was not found because at first the computer or laptop used to connect to the printer, had not manually installed the program according to the printer driver. 

On certain windows, when the laptop is connected the printer can be installed automatically through the basic default driver from Windows as the operating system on the laptop in question. So, without installing the driver CD, the printer can be used for printing orders via the laptop.

2. How to Overcome the Missing Maintenance Menu

Often after the process of using the printer directly to Windows 10, the printer can run normally so many of them are not aware that under certain conditions the maintenance menu is not found, and only look for it when the printer finds a problem or error. Though the page is in need of repair. The way to fix the printer preferences maintenance page does not appear is to reinstall it using the appropriate driver for the printer.

To avoid the same error, make sure you use the CD driver that came with the printer. But if it turns out that the driver is missing, you can download it on the printer's official website.

Furthermore, the printer can be installed manually and the maintenance menu can be found. As a result, repair and maintenance of the device is no longer a problem.

The maintenance menu varies from one printer to another. Even so, the features available in the maintenance menu on average have the same functions as maintenance needs, so that device maintenance can be maximized.

Maintenance menu on Epson printers and their functions

Here are the menus that are usually found on Epson printers and their functions:

  1. Nozzle check to check the condition of the print head.
  2. Head cleaning serves to solve the problem if the printed document is streaky. The use of this menu can not be more than two times. But if you double-click the print result is still the same, then leave the printer for 10 minutes.
  3. Head alignment to check for untidy printouts such as slanted letters.
  4. Paper guide cleaning contains a guide on how to clean paper.
  5. Ink cartridge replacement is useful to help users when changing cartridges through system software. The procedure is already in the manual book.
  6. Epson status monitor 3 works to check how much ink is in the cartridge. Because if you run out of ink it can cause other problems.

On printers with other brands, the menus will be different. Usually on this maintenance page is equipped with symbols or pictures as instructions for use. So, it can be selected according to the required function. Especially when the printing press has a problem. So there is no need to rush to the service, you can try to solve it through this menu first.

In this review, it can be concluded that the maintenance menu button in the printer properties does not exist because the driver program installation system is not optimal. You can solve it properly is by fully manual installation of the printer driver according to the type and brand of your printer.

Indeed, on certain windows this can be more practical. But the risk is that the maintenance menu is not found. The way to solve the printer preferences maintenance page does not appear by following the steps above. Hopefully useful and can help overcome the confusion of all my friends.

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