How to Solve the Epson LX-310 Printer Print Results Are Not Clear

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Epson lX310 prints – Tips for dealing with unclear Epson lx 310 printer printouts so that they become clear again. If you are an office worker, you will certainly often come across the famous dot matrix printer with a loud sound.
How to Solve the Epson LX-310 Printer Print Results Are Not Clear

This type of printer is actually a printing machine technology that has been around for a long time. However, because of its special ability to print up to 3 copies at once or even 4 copies at once, this printer is still needed.

Usually a dot matrix printer such as the Epson LX 310 is very useful for printing company invoices that need a lot of copies. In addition, with its characteristic that has existed for a long time, this dot matrix printer is able to print continuous forms. So you don't have to bother arranging paper into the tray like you need to do in an ink or laser printer, because the paper usage has been connected for a long time.

In addition to the slow, noisy print speed, there is one problem that often appears on the Epson Dotmarix LX310 type printer, namely print results that are not clearly written, can be a separate drawback that must be faced regularly by users.
Some complaints often arise from users of the Epson lx 310 printer which is of the dot matrix type, if it has been used for a long time, these symptoms will usually appear. And what often happens is the writing is not clear.

This of course also applies if the print result of the first sheet is not clear, of course it will chain to the second and third sheets. So the writing becomes difficult to read at all.

For those of you whose computers are still using the Windows 7 operating system, you can make settings on this Epson LX 310 printer. Even though Microsoft has officially ended its update support in January 2020, Windows 7 is still compatible with the Epson LX 310 printer.

So to set the printing thickness of the Epson printer on Windows 7, you can still do it easily. The first step is to make sure that the lx 310 printer is properly connected to the windows 7 computer.

  • First of all, click the Windows Start menu and then select control panel >> device and printer.
  • If it is installed correctly, Windows 7 should be able to detect the Epson LX 310 on the computer screen. Please click Printer Epson LX 300+ or ​​LX 310, then right click >> Printing Preferences.

then right click

  • After that a new tab will appear which contains printer settings with many menu options.
  • Replace print quality with a larger value or number. The larger the value, the more obvious the thickness of the print will be.
  • Choose the number that suits you and if it is then click the ok button to confirm.

To find out if this method has worked, you can try printing again with new paper. If successful, the printout will be clearer and your writing can be read more clearly.

How to solve Epson lx 310 printer printouts on Windows 10

How to solve Epson lx 310 printer printouts in Windows 10 is almost the same as the settings in Windows 7. You can do the following steps.

  • First click start and then enter the control panel menu or you can also directly type in the search field with the words "control panel".
  • After that, many menu options will appear on the control panel tab, look for the device and printer menu and click on the menu.
  • Then the Epson LX 300 printer will appear and click manage to bring up printer settings in a new window. Then select “Printing Preferences” and click the “advanced” button.
  • In the "Advanced Options" window, please select "Graphic" then select "Print Quality". Replace the number with a thicker one, for example, choose 120 x 144 dots per inch . Click OK to save the settings.

If you have, please do a test print again and see the results. If successful, the writing on the printout of this printer will look thicker and clearer.

Print results are still not clear too? Use this method!

If you have made settings in the printer settings through Windows to increase the Print Quality but it is still not clear.

There is still a last way, namely by replacing a new ribbon and a new head. Because dot matrix printers like the Epson LX 310 have a worn head if the wearer has been around for a long time.

By replacing a new head, usually the print results will be clear again like new.

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