How to Solve Canon Cannot be Recognized Printer Cartridge

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Hello, friends, Erzedka, back again in the printer error information article on this occasion, we will review and share a little explanation of how to solve the problem of the Canon printer error "Cartridge be Recognized" which causes the printer to be unable to be used for printing purposes.

Easy ways to solve Canon Printer errors This “Cartridge be Recognized” has actually been shared quite a lot by friends on other printer information websites that can be found on the internet, but we also want to provide a little different understanding and explanation so that it can more easily solve this printer error problem.

How to solve the printer cartridge error cannot be recognized

How to Solve Canon Cannot be Recognized Printer Cartridge

First of all, let's know, what types of Canon printers usually get the Cartridge be Recognized error to our knowledge from several sources that we get this problem quite often appears on older Canon printers such as mp237 mp287, mp258, ip2770, ip2870, ip1200, ip1300, ip1700, ip 1880, ip198,etc.

In addition, several times it was found that it still occurs in the latest types of Canon printers whose printing relies on cartridges.

From some of our experiences using Canon printers and also information based on forums for Canon printer lovers, many say that when faced with the cartridge printer error being recognized problem, you shouldn't immediately conclude that your cartridge is damaged and must be replaced.

Why is that? because there was one time when we implemented this and bought a new cartridge at a price of 280 thousand and it turned out that after we replaced the cartridge, the results were still the same, the warning The Following ink cartridge cannot be recognized.

So it's annoying, right, we've spent quite a lot of money, it turns out that our printer still has problems, and we still can't print. The correct steps to solve this printer error problem are to first pay attention to whether it is true that our current cartridge is already damaged, or there is a problem / error with the device around the cartridge that needs to be carefully examined.

But you can't just pay attention to this anyway, because we are worried that if it is done carelessly, doing so can actually cause damage to others. Printer problems that raise a warning that the cartridge seems to be undetected are quite a lot of causes and readers of the blog should know in detail, especially readers who like all canon printer products.

So that all readers are trying to find out tips and tricks that can be more efficient and save time when facing problems like this and can accurately make decisions to repair printers like this in what way, here are some of the causes of printers dealing with unreadable cartridge errors.

Example of an error warning image for a printer cartridge cannot be recognized.
Source from


How to solve canon printer cartridges cannot be recognized

1. There could be dirt/ink stains on the copper pins

Remove the cartridge from the printer housing, then look at the pins made of copper on the front of the printer, the shape is a small "box like a 2D barcode, so clean it with a soft cloth or tissue gently until the ink or stain is gone, then try installing the cartridge again

2. Incorrect cartridge installation

Remove the cartridge from the cartridge housing, try to reinstall it by placing it correctly and until it clicks to indicate it fits into position.

3. Try Cartridges in Other Printers

If you are in an office area and your colleagues have the same type of printer you are using, try removing the cartridge from the printer, then plugging it into your colleague's printer. or an error is still detected. If it can still mean there is a problem in the cartridge housing section

4. Try checking the cartridge house

On the cartridge housing there is also a copper pin that functions to connect to the cartridge pin, try to find out on the pin whether there are stains or dirt that causes the cartridge readings to not be optimal.

In addition, it could be that the cartridge house is flooded and causes a short circuit, it is better to take it to an expert place so that it can be done by an expert

5. Replacing Canon printer cartridges with new cartridges

  1. First of all, if there are indeed Canon printer users around you of the same type and no errors, you can try borrowing their cartridges first on your printer, if it works and can run normally, make sure your cartridge is damaged so it needs to be replaced with a new one
  2. If it still doesn't work, just try to trade and trade and buy a canon printer with the original ink tank model, wkwkwk..

So, those are tips and a few reviews that Erzedka can share with all readers in dealing with error problemsr canon cartridge printer cannot be recognized, hopefully it can provide a way out and can be a reference for all readers. Also read other articles and printer tips on the Erzedka Website, thank you...!!

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