How to Install Laravel on Windows Easily

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How to Install Laravel on Windows Easily

The technology industry or other industries are currently looking for experienced talents. Almost all industries use IT and technology to support the business processes they are running. With the existence of IT, it can simplify and improve the business that is run. So that it can achieve organizational or company goals. Currently, one of the fields that is intensively sought is programmers.

Programmers with good coding skills are needed by companies. The type of programming framework that is often used is Laravel. Laravel is known as a framework for creating projects with certain specifications.

How to Install Laravel on Windows

Laravel must be installed on a laptop or computer so that it can be used in working on projects. To make it easier, here is how to install laravel on Windows so you can understand it well:

  • Prepare your device, be it a PC or laptop Computer
  • Prepare an internet connection to download the requirements before the installation process
  • Prepare OpenSSL PHP Extension, PDO PHP Extension, Mbstring PHP Extension, Tokenizer PHP Extension, XML PHP Extension and PHP version 7.1.3. It's easier to install the required requirements, you can install XAMPP or WAMP.
  • Then download Laravel Composer here.
  • Open and run the installer from the composer, which has an .exe extension
  • Perform the installation until you enter the php.exe Browse process. At this stage, you have to find where you saved the php.exe file
  • Before proceeding to the next installation stage, you should first restart your laptop or PC computer
  • After the laptop or PC computer has been successfully restarted, then you can check whether the laravel composer installation process was successful or not
  • To check the success of composer installation, you need to write composer -v syntax on your command-promt (CMD) page
  • Next, start the Laravel installation process using composer, which has been successfully installed
  • To continue, you have to choose where the directory you want to save the laravel project is
  • Then you open the command prompt (CMD) by pressing the search button, then type cmd, then press enter
  • When your command prompt has been opened, then next you need to type the syntax like this: composer create-project –prefer-dist laravel/laravel practice-laravel. Remember that laravel-training is the name of the folder where you save the laravel project file.
  • Wait until the installation process is complete, a folder will appear where you save the Laravel project in your directory
  • Next, open the folder where the project is stored, and apply the command prompt through the folder by pressing SHIFT + Right Click (Open Command Window Here)
  • Then type the syntax php artisan serve.
  • After that type again, syntax localhost:8000 in your Browser. After that, the laravel installation process is successful when it can be opened in your browser

With the Laravel framework, the project work process becomes easier and more effective and efficient. So the ability to program or code with Laravel is often needed by companies to help work on the projects they are doing.

The ability to master the laravel framework in terms of coding is a plus for your specialization in your ability to work and compete in the world of work.

The existence of a way to install Laravel on the Windows Operating System also makes it easier for Laravel users to continue to learn and use and optimize their ability to use the Laravel framework.

So that the process of working on a project or other work that requires Laravel's ability can be completed properly. 

As someone who continues to need knowledge, we must be diligent in exploring new knowledge and insights, especially related to the latest technology such as the Laravel framework. Hopefully the tutorial on how to install laravel on Windows above is useful for you.

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