How to Enter Service Mode Printer Canon MG2570

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How to Enter Service Mode Printer Canon MG2570

How to change the printer to service mode / service mode so that you can do a printer reset either by manual reset, or using the reset method with Canon's resetter software.

Actually, how to change a Canon printer to service mode is the easiest among many other printer brands, for example from the MG series Canon printers including the MG2270, MG2570, MG3170, MG2170 and MG2770.

Many people do not change the printer mode first before doing the reset process so that it displays an error message not responded to the canon resetter program, in fact, the truth is MUST! change to service mode before using a resetter or many technicians know with a service manual.

In the tutorial article on how to reset a canon MG2570 printer previously mentioned in the first step there are instructions to change the printer from normal print/on mode to service mode or what is more commonly called service mode.

How to change this mode is not taught directly by the canon printer, but from time to time many people know this, either from the official Canon printer service or from the knowledge possessed by loyal printer technicians/mechanics for Canon printers, they don't know the song if it's in the user manual that was in the printer box when you first bought it.

Steps to change canon printer mode to service mode

  1. Position the printer in the Off state but the power cable is still connected to electricity for the printer data cable if possible already connected to the computer that will be used to do a reset (our advice). * but many say even if it's not connected it's okay.
  2. When the printer is off, press and hold the reset button.
  3. Still in the position of holding the reset button, then use your other finger to press the power button until the power light indicator lights up (the condition of the finger still holding the two buttons).
  4. After that, release the reset button but the other finger is still holding the power button, press it again five times (if it's true the indicator light will blink orange and green according to the 5 pressures you did).
  5. Release both buttons simultaneously at the last press of the reset button, so that the printer will run into service mode, if successful, a message will appear on your computer device if it recognizes a new device that is detected.

So, those are the references and tips for the right steps to change the canon MG2570 series printer to service mode, this method might also be applied by readers to other types of canon printers, if all of the reader's printers have not been able to enter service mode, try again with more careful, good luck.

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