XAMPP Tutorial: Installation and First Steps

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Guide How to Install XAMPP on Windows for the First Time

For those of you who are a website developer, you must have often heard of this XAMPP software. Because this application is one of the most popular applications and has been used by many web developers to learn to develop a website.

If you are new to the world of web developers, then learning XAMPP is the first step that you must do.
By using XAMPP, you can also save costs in creating a website. Because XAMPP can replace the function of web hosting, namely by saving the website files into localhost tools, so that we can call them through a web browser.

How to Install XAMPP on Windows 10/8/7

The XAMPP Application for the first time was created and developed by a team called Apache Friends, which we can download for free under the General Public License label or commonly referred to as GNU.
XAMPP is used as a local server that can accommodate all types of data on the website that we are developing.

Therefore, XAMPP can be used to be able to test the work process of the feature or be able to retrieve content contained on other people's websites without having an internet connection. You just need to access the XAMPP Control panel. Simply put, this application can work offline like web hosting in general, but cannot be accessed by others.

Beginner website developers and students often use this application to learn about developing websites. In this article I will explain how to install XAMPP on Windows.

  1. Download the XAMPP installer from the official website. If so, double-click on the XAMPP installer. Then the Set Up window will appear from the XAMPP Application. Click the Next button to continue setting up the XAMPP application.
  2. Tick the XAMPP components you need. After that click the Next button.
  3. Next is to create an installation folder. For this stage just click the Next button.
  4. Click the Next button to continue. And now you can install the XAMPP application. Click the Next button to continue the installation.Wait a few minutes until the XAMPP application is finished installing.
  5. When the XAMPP application process is finished installing, click the Finish button, to complete the installation.
  6. Open the XAMPP application by clicking the XAMPP icon on your Desktop or searching for the XAMPP application in the Windows search engine. After that a window will appear as shown in the image below. Click the United States flag and click the Save button.
  7. Then the XAMPP Control Panel window will appear. If you want to use this XAMPP tool, then click the Start button in Apache and MySQL. That way, you can run the website program that you are developing online.

XAMPP Control Panel

Now you can learn to develop website programs using the PHP language and also using the MySQL database. This method is quite powerful if you want to save costs in learning web programming.

Thus the article that explains how to install the XAMPP Application on Windows. Hopefully this article can be useful for you.

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