What is SQL Server? How to install SQL Server? For people who are always in contact with the world of databases, of course, this term will be familiar. This one application is widely used to facilitate human work and also provide a sense of security for their data. SQL stands for Structured Query Language.
Reading the abbreviation of SQL Server, maybe you already have an idea that this application is a program that is used to run various commands related to databases.
SQL Server has implanted some special instructions where we just need to input the appropriate instructions so that the program is able to run the commands as you want.
SQL Server Functions
As we have explained that the function of SQL Server is as a program that runs various commands related to databases. SQL Server is a standard database programming language that has rational data management, so don't be surprised if almost all server hosts mostly use SQL compared to other programs.
How to Install SQL Server Completely
- First of all, you have to download the SQL Server installer first. Here I am still using SQL Server 2017 which is the Developer version. Besides being free, the features are also quite complete. Download SQL Server 2017 Developer Edition via this link.
- In the initial installation window, select Custom.
- For the installation location, leave the default, then select Install.
- SQL Server will download several packages and files needed. This process requires an internet connection and is a bit long too because the downloaded files are more than 1GB. Therefore, it is recommended to connect to a WiFi network.
- If the downloading process is complete. Go to the C:\SQL2017\Developer_ENU folder then click 2X SETUP.
- Next select the Installation option on the left.
- Next select the option marked with a red box.
- Select Developers.
- Check the option I accept the license terms then select Next.
- Select Next again.
- Make sure there are no failed rules. If it's still a warning, no problem. Continue to select Next.
- Check Database Engine Services then select Next. Give a name for your SQL Server. Then select Next.
- Select Next again.
- Select Mixed mode then give a strong but easy to remember password. Select Add Current User then select Next.
- Next select Install.
- Wait for the installation process to complete.
- Make sure there are no features that have errors in the status column. If you get a notification like this, select OK.
- SQL Server installation was successful.
SQL Server Basic Commands
Every database program has its basic commands. Actually for each basic command itself is not much different between programs or applications. It's just that the difference may be the steps or the name of the program icon itself, so we sometimes need to adapt a little when using other database programs.
Even so, as long as you understand the basic commands. We are sure that you will not experience difficulties when using SQL Server or other database applications.
1. Create
You can use this basic command to create a new table or database. For writing the query itself is actually the same. It's just that perhaps the difference is the understanding of each program. You need to know that the Create command is more often used by database administrators and will rarely appear on websites.
2. Read / Select
Its function is to select and display the current data. When we use the Select command, usually what will appear is the table according to the most up to date. This command is one of the commands that can be used by all users.
3. Insert
This command is used to add or enter new data in the table that you previously created. This command will usually be implemented in the form of a registration form or other forms. This one command can also be used by all users, not limited to administrator users.
4. Updates
The Update command is used to modify existing data which will usually be implemented in a pop up or form. Updates will also usually be supported with the Select command so that you will find it easier when you want to update data.
5. Delete
The Delete command maybe you already know its function is to delete data permanently. The Delete command can also be used by all users although it can be set to be used by administrators only.
Such are the steps on how to install SQL Server for beginners. Hopefully useful and easy to understand!