Here's How to Remove Old Windows on Windows 10

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Guaranteed Success, Here's How to Remove Old Windows on Windows 10

What is Old Windows? How to remove Old Windows in Windows 10? Maybe you are still not too familiar with this name. Even if you understand, of course this folder is one of the folders that makes you irritated because it takes up a lot of hard disk capacity.

No wonder when you pay attention to the capacity of your HDD Drive, you will be surprised because the hard drive capacity suddenly lives a little while the folders or files on the Drive are not many.
Therefore, we will provide a complete explanation of the meaning, causes, and how to remove windows.od in Windows 10. Even so, the method that we will explain later can actually be applied to other Windows operating systems, whether it's Win 8 or Windows 10. Win 7.

How to Remove Old Windows in Windows 10

  1.  Old Windows or windows.old is a data or file that contains the application you installed or the previous operating system. That is, when you are done reinstalling. This windows.old file will not disappear. Even this file in it contains the operating system that you previously used.
  2. If you right-click the Windows.old folder then select Properties, it will display the size of the folder which is quite large, which is above 10GB. Of course this will make your C: partition full quickly.
  3. To delete the Windows.old folder, first right-click Local Disk (C:) then select Properties.
  4. Next select Disk Cleanup.
  5. After that select Clean up system files.
  6. Wait for this process for a while.
  7. A screen like the image below will appear. Scroll down a bit then find and check the Previous Windows installation(s). Next select OK.
  8. If you get a notification like this, just select Delete Files.
  9. It worked. We have successfully deleted the Windows.old folder.

remove windows.old 9

What Causes Windows old to Appear?

This question is often asked by some people who feel strange why suddenly this folder or file appears. This file is indeed a large amount of hard disk capacity sucking. Even though the capacity of the hard drive can still be used for other more useful purposes.

There are actually 2 reasons why windows old appears. The first reason is when you install the operating system and have entered the hard disk formatting section. 

You there may forget not to format the hard drive C or system. Maybe at that time you directly directed the installation to drive C without previously clicking format or clicking delete.

Indeed, the installation process can run normally and smoothly. However, problems arise when the installation process is complete where you will find suspicious files that are sucking up your hard disk capacity.

The second reason can also be caused because you previously did a windows update. Usually after you finish updating windows, suddenly you find windows.old which may be sucked by your hard drive capacity without realizing it.

Old Windows Functions

Then what exactly is the use of windows.old? Based on the information that we explained earlier indirectly, Windows.old is nothing more than a nuisance that causes the hard disk capacity to decrease. But basically the operating system creates windows.old not without reason.

The usability or function of windows.old is a solution for those of you who are worried that your data will be lost during reinstallation.

Maybe at that time you had very important data and you forgot to move it. Indeed, there are still several other ways that can be done to save your files. But windows.old is the best alternative and you can easily do it without the help of third-party applications.

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