Causes and Ways to Overcome Laptops Overheating Fast that You Must Know

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Causes and Ways to Overcome Laptops Overheating Fast that You Must Know

Laptops are devices that people often use for work or just to play games. However, using a laptop for a long time will make the laptop heat up quickly.

There are several causes that make a laptop heat up quickly, namely, long-term use, putting the laptop in any place, a laptop fan that doesn't work normally, to dry thermal paste.

You should avoid these things, and for how to overcome them you can do the following ways:

1. Set a Usage Schedule

As previously mentioned, using a laptop for a long time will make the laptop overheat quickly. Especially if you wear it continuously. Therefore, you can overcome this by setting a schedule for using your laptop.

We recommend that you do sleep mode on sleep every 4 hours of use. But you need to be careful when using sleep mode, because if you use sleep mode, especially if it's too long, it will cause other problems on the laptop.

For that you can shutdown when not using the laptop.

2. Using utility software

By using the utility software, you will get a feature that can monitor the temperature on your laptop, if your laptop has excessive heat, a warning will appear that detects overheating experienced by your laptop.

Indeed, using utility software still keeps your laptop hot, but with the warning that appears, you can take action first to solve it. Like turning off the laptop or something.

3. Pay attention to the base on the laptop

Paying attention to the base on the laptop can reduce the excess heat released by the laptop. Usually bases that absorb heat such as pillows, blankets, mattresses and other objects that have a soft texture will make your laptop heat up faster.

Therefore you must use a solid, flat, and hard base such as a table, plywood, ledger and others. That way you can reduce and slow down the heat on the laptop.

Don't OverClock Components

4. Don't OverClock Components

Laptop components rarely support the overclock feature, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. therefore you have to check the configuration in the BIOS, whether there are components that are set to exceed the default clock. If you want to be safe then apply the default settings or the default configuration or recommended configuration in the BIOS on your device.

5. Install Light Software

Software installed on a laptop has an important role in the performance of a laptop. The greater the resources needed to be able to run one software, the faster the laptop will heat up.

Therefore, you must pay attention to the system requirements before you install it. Don't forget to also make sure your laptop's specifications exceed the minimum system requirements of the software you will install.

For example, if you want to install graphic software that requires you to have a minimum of 1 GB of RAM, then you should never install it if your laptop also has 1 GB of RAM or is mediocre. It would burden the laptop to run it. As a result, the laptop will heat up quickly.

6. Efficiently Use Software

As mentioned earlier, laptops will heat up quickly when used to run software that requires large memory resources, especially if less than the recommended RAM is used.

To overcome this, you should avoid using a lot of software at one time. And only use the software that is needed, like when you want to use software for graphic editing. Then you have to close all other software except the graphic editing.

If you use the software efficiently then the memory usage is just as efficient. So that makes the laptop does not heat up quickly.

7. Using an External Cooling Pad

Using an external cooling pad as a base on a laptop is good because it can help your laptop to remove heat from your laptop components. It is also very effective at dissipating heat from your laptop.

But some people also think the use of the cooling pad is not good for the computer. That's because the power taken from an external cooling pad is approximately 5 volts taken from one of the USB ports. in order to power the kiosk and dynamo. not only that, it can also overload the USB port if used.

Install a lighter operating system

8. Install a lighter operating system

The use of the Linux family operating system is believed by some to only require relatively small resources in order to operate. For example, Lubuntu.

Lubuntu is one of the Ubuntu families, the difference between Ubuntu and Lubuntu is that Ubuntu uses the GNOME Desktop Environment by default, while Lubuntu is better known by using LXDE.

The name Lubuntu is taken from the combined name of LXDE and Ubuntu at first, but on the official website the Lubuntu developer has said Lubuntu as Lightweight Ubuntu which means a lighter Ubuntu.

And if you prefer to use Windows and you are more familiar with the Windows operating system environment, then use a lighter Windows OS such as Home Premium, Windows 7 Starter and Windows XP SP3.

9. Clean the Cooling Pad

To overcome a laptop that heats up quickly, you have to optimize the cooling pad on your laptop. You have to clean the dust that sticks to your laptop's cooling pad. But you have to clean it very carefully.

You can use a mini vacuum cleaner to pull the dust out and don't use a pin or blow it yourself because the dust might get deeper into the laptop components.

10. Clean the Vents

If the ventilation on your laptop is dirty, then you have to clean it thoroughly so that air circulation is not clogged again. And do regular ventilation cleaning every week. This is so that dirt does not accumulate and block the hot air that comes out of the laptop.

That's 10 ways to overcome the laptop so it doesn't heat up quickly. Hopefully this article is useful and good luck ..!!

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