Windows 11 22H2 Details, Claimed To Be More Difficult To Install on Unsupported Devices!

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Windows 11 22H2 Details, Claimed To Be More Difficult To Install on Unsupported Devices!

Although Windows 11 does have minimum requirements that are quite inconvenient for users of older devices, there are still several ways to bypass requirements such as secure boot and TPM 2.0. For example, by using the Windows 11 Bypass Installation Method with Rufus.

But friends, based on rumors circulating, Windows 11 22H2 will later bring changes that are quite bad news for users of unsupported devices, based on the german site dr Windows, it is rumored that Windows 11 running on unsupported PCs will now start to struggle to get updates.

 “And it prevents updates on computers that aren't officially supported, which is an absolute cheek! This PC has been running since day 1 of Win11 release 1A and now they suddenly come like this from Tiny Soft! I'm incredibly pissed right now!” Says Twitter user @Vectrex71

In general, if a user's device doesn't include a TPM or fails to meet the minimum Windows 11 requirements, you won't get the latest version, or even fail to get a new build on the Insider Beta Channel.

But even so, there may still be other ways that users can use, for example by doing an In Place Upgrade using the latest Windows 11 installation media using Rufus, because the good news is that Rufus 3.18 has presented TPM Bypass For In-Place Upgrade Windows 11.

But still, let's just see how the process goes in the future, because later Microsoft might really close the possibility and how to upgrade to Windows 11 if the device used is not officially supported.

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