Pro Tools, The Best Software To Manage Sound Audio To The Maximum

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Pro Tools, The Best Software To Manage Sound Audio To The Maximum

Currently, technology is increasingly developing and has an influence on various aspects of human life. Almost all of our activities cannot be separated from the help of technology. One of the increasingly sophisticated technological developments is in the field of sound or audio management.

Now there is a software called Pro Tools which is a DAW or Digital Audio Workstation. You can use this software to adjust the sound source. Pro Tools has also become the standard for audio or sound settings in the world.

One of the advantages of Pro Tools is being able to record with results that do not disappoint. The simple appearance of the software makes it easy for anyone who wants to use it. Pro Tools has also become a popular one and many people have tried to use the software.

Features in Pro Tools

Some of the features that you can find in Pro Tools include:
  • One of the features and advantages of Pro Tools is that you can use the software to provide protection against piracy
  • You can also use Pro Tools to help produce a much better sound or audio quality
  • The editing process using Pro Tools is also easier and faster with results that are certainly according to your wishes
  • With a simple appearance, using this software doesn't make you too much trouble
  • Pro Tools will also process various forms of video editing, so it's not surprising that many industries choose it as the main software for audio editing purposes
  • In it you can also find cloud features. So you can collaborate with other users
  • If you want to use the Pro Tools software, then make sure the sound card on your computer supports the software. It can also come from the same company or other companies that include Pro Tools Certified software. For your information, Pro Tools has three types.

The three types are LE, HD, and M-Powered. The LE package is software that you can use for free and is usually a bonus when you buy a product from M-Audio. Some examples are Audio Interface, Mic, and Keyboard Controller.

The function of LE is indeed limited. This includes the number of MIDI tracks. In addition, LE also does not have support for adding virtual instruments. While on M-Powered there is a higher number of MIDI and audio. M-Powered also supports adding virtual instruments.

Then the HD package which includes external hardware A / D converter as well as internal PCIe or PCI sound card and with onboard DSP. If you look at its development, now Pro Tool has reached version 12.0.

Download Pro Tools

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