Opera Flow, Software That Offers Easy File Sharing Quickly!

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Opera Flow, Software That Offers Easy File Sharing Quickly!

Since I used Opera Browser, one of the mainstay features that became my favorite is Opera Flow, where with this feature we can easily and quickly share links, images, videos, text or whatever it is with our other devices as long as it is connected to a valid Opera account. same.

And what's more interesting, Opera Flow works well on all platforms, whether Opera, or Opera GX on Windows, Linux, Mac, Android or iOS. So with that there is no longer a reason for users to find it difficult to share files even if they have different platforms.

Now about Opera Flow, on this occasion I will discuss it a little, starting from how to share files, and compatibility with the devices I use. Curious? here is a brief review.

How to share with Opera Flow

How to share with Opera Flow

Step 1. First make sure you have installed Opera Browser on two or more devices that you want to connect, for example here I will use Windows 10 and iPhone, where in this case, I want to send anything from Windows to iPhone or vice versa.

So both on Windows 10 and iPhone, of course I have to install Opera Browser (in my case this time, I use Opera GX).

Step 2. Second, make sure you activate the Opera Flow feature, please check in Opera Settings > My Flow, make sure Enabled My Flow is active.

If My Flow is already active, then to send data, either links, images, or videos, we can click on Sidebar > Flow > then please just send text or attachments via the buttons provided.

Every file or communication made through Opera Flow, is said to have gone through the encryption stage, so security issues should no longer be a concern.

Compatibility and Transfer Speed

Basically as long as the device used supports Opera Browser, and has the Opera Flow feature active, then this feature will work well, be it on Windows, Linux or Mac, including iOS, Android and iPadOS if you are vulnerable to mobile devices.

As for the transfer speed, it seems that this problem returns to their respective internet speeds, but in the case and experiment that I did, with an Internet speed of 75 Mbps, sending 10 Mb files took quite a long time and was not instant.

This may be because files sent with Opera Flow go through the encryption stage first, so the transfer speed is slightly reduced to compensate for the security provided.

Benefits of Opera Flow

One of the benefits that I feel is that of course I can easily share files between devices easily, especially since my job is basically more of working with web browsers and doing a lot of file transfers between 1 device and another, making Opera Flow get an important role for meet my daily needs.

If you have an iPhone, for example, but you don't have another Apple device, sending files with AirDrop might be a little impossible because it's not in the same ecosystem, but with Opera Flow, at least it's an AirDrop alternative for Apple x Non Apple devices.


Opera Flow may indeed be less well known even among Opera Browser users themselves, but if you have used it well once, the ease of transferring files between devices becomes quite instant, even though the transfer speed itself is a bit less than optimal, but the encryption guarantee as offered by Opera makes Opera Flow has a good level of security and makes users worry less about the files they send and receive.

In addition, Opera Flow may be considered as an AirDrop alternative for you users of Apple Device x Non Apple devices, for example iPhone x Windows 10, or MacBook Pro x Android. And yes, again, this is not the best data transfer option, but if used properly, everything will be fun.

So that's my short review this time, keep in mind that this article is based on my personal experience, opinions and opinions, please write your thoughts and opinions in the comments column below. Thank you, hopefully useful.

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