Download Remote Mouse Free

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Download The Latest Remote Mouse Free

Remote Mouse is a free application that allows you to remotely control the mouse and keyboard of your PC or laptop using your mobile phone. If your laptop keyboard and mouse are damaged, then this application can also be a solution for you.

In addition, this application is also commonly used by users who want to control a computer or laptop remotely without having to deal directly with the monitor, for example you can control a laptop while lying down without worrying about cables because this application uses a wireless network.

In order for this application to work properly, you must install the Remote Mouse application for the phone that you want to use as a keyboard or mouse. The Remote Mouse app here is for the Windows PC you want to control.

Remote Mouse Advantage

There are many free applications that can help you control your PC or laptop from your mobile phone, one of which is Mouse Server, but this application is one of the favorite choices of many users.

The number of people who prefer to use this application is certainly not without reason, here are some of the advantages of Remote Mouse that you need to know:

1. Three remote control devices are available

By using this application, you can use three remote control devices that can be accessed via mobile phones, namely keyboard, mouse, and touchpad.

2. Can be connected easily

The phone that will be used as a mouse or keyboard can be connected automatically when it detects a server application installed on the computer or laptop that you want to control.

However, if the app can't connect automatically, you can enter the IP address of the computer you want to control or scan the QR code manually. Once connected, you can click, scroll through windows, perform drag and drop operations and other operations.

3. Available power options

When the laptop or computer is finished, you no longer need to turn it off by controlling a physical mouse. The reason is, this application is also equipped with power options that can be used to restart, logout, and turn off the computer.

4. Gyroscope mouse

Besides being able to be used to control the computer by touching the screen on the cellphone, you can also move the mouse cursor by waving the phone in the appropriate direction.

To make the most of this feature, this app uses the built-in accelerometer and gyroscope features of the phone.

5. Customizable user interface

If the layout of this application is not comfortable, you can also customize it as you wish so that you can easily access the features you need and get rid of the features you don't need.

6. Voice typing

Although equipped with a keyboard for typing, this application is also integrated with voice recognition technology. You can type on a computer remotely using your voice.

7. Volume control

When listening to music or watching movies sometimes there are distractions that require us to reduce the volume, by using this application you no longer need to touch the computer to control the volume.

The reason is, you can control the volume of the computer using the physical volume buttons on the cellphone. In addition, this button can also be used to change the presentation slide. In short, if you want to control your laptop or computer remotely then Remote Mouse is one application that you need to consider.

However, make sure the phone that will be used as a remote control has the Remote Mouse application installed, if you are an Android user it can be downloaded via the Google Play Store, while for iOS it is on the App Store.

Download the Latest PC Remote Mouse

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