Download Ashampoo Burning Studio 22.0.0

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Ashampoo Burning Studio Free Download - ERZEDKA

Ashampoo Burning Studio Free is a free application that can be used to burn various types of files, from documents, videos, music, to image files to CD, DVD, or Blu-ray. If you are looking for a CD burning application that is rich in features but has a simple and easy-to-use interface, then this is the one you should consider.

The reason is, the application made by Ashampoo GmbH & Co KG is indeed packed with a simple interface and users can access all the available features easily. Actually there are many CD burning applications that can be used for free on Windows PCs, but users who prefer completeness of features and convenience usually choose to use this application.

The advantages of Ashampoo Burning Studio

The number of users who prefer to use this application to burn CDs is certainly not without reason. Here are some advantages of Ashampoo Burning Studio that you need to know:

1. Equipped with complete features

This application is equipped with various features, ranging from features to burn multimedia discs, copy music, create CDs, DVDs, SVCS and so on. You can also use this application to create and burn disk images and erase rewritable media. In addition, this application is also equipped with features to back up and restore all data on the hard disk.

2. Advanced features
This application is also equipped with advanced features that can make it easier for you to manage image files, including making modified copies of CDs, DVDs, and Blu-rays. You can also save projects to your hard drive in various formats, from ISO, CUE, BIN, ASHDISC, ASHPRJ, CEDPRJ, ABKPRJ and so on.

3. Protect data with password

If you use this application to back up important data to external storage, you don't have to worry about the data being known by others.

The reason is, this application is also equipped with a feature that allows you to lock backup data using a password. In short, Ashampoo Buring Studio Free is a simple but feature-rich free CD burning application.

Download the Latest Burning Studio Shampoo

  • Latest Version: 22.0.0
  • Publisher: Ashampoo GmbH & Co KG
  • Operating System: Windows
  • Application Category: Multimedia
  • License: Freeware

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