Download NetSetMan Application 5.0.3

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Dwonload NetSetMan Application Free

NetSetMan is a free application for Windows PC that can be used to manage computer network settings, by using this application you can create up to eight different network profiles and switch between profiles easily.

This application is suitable for network technicians or users who frequently make changes to network profiles, because with this application you don't need to bother deleting existing network profiles.

You can create new profiles and maintain old profiles so that you can switch between network profiles easily and quickly without the hassle of configuring each time you switch to a new network setting.

NetSetMan Features

There are many free applications that you can use to create and save network profiles on Windows PCs, this one application is one that is quite popular, especially among users who want a network profile manager application that can be used for free.

The number of users who prefer to use this application is certainly not without reason, here are some of the features and advantages of NetSetMan that you need to know.

1. Create up to 8 network profiles

If you frequently change and restore your computer's network settings, using this application you can switch between network profiles easily and quickly.

The reason is, by using this application you can create up to eight network profiles with different configurations such as IP and gateway, host, IPv6, DND server and so on.

All network profiles you create in this app can be enabled and disabled as needed. You can even edit the name of each profile for easy search.

If you are worried about your profile being lost or deleted, you can use the profile import and export feature available in this application.

2. Simple and easy to use

If it's your first time using this app, there's no need to worry about difficulties. The reason is, this application is packed with a fairly intuitive interface, you can access and configure all the features in it easily.

3. Hiding in the system tray

Once run, this application will hide in the system tray so it does not interfere with your main task. However, you can also open its main window at any time.

In short, if you are looking for a free application that can be used to manage multiple network profiles of Windows PCs then NetSetMan is one of the applications that you should consider.

Release Notes
  • Version 5.0.3
  • Fixed an issue connecting to a WiFi network with a MAC address.
  • Fixed WiFi profile encryption issue.
  • Fixed icon animation in system tray.
  • Fixed DPI issues.
  • Fixed bugs and improved other features.

Download the Latest NetSetMan

NetSetMan Application

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