Download GhostMouse 3.2.3

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2 minute read
Download GhostMouse Free

GhostMouse is a free application for Windows PCs that can record and automate mouse and keyboard actions. If you often do repetitive tasks, you can use this application as a solution.

By using this application you can automate repetitive tasks where later the mouse and keyboard will run automatically according to the actions you record.

If it's your first time using this application, you don't need to worry about difficulties, because this application comes with an interface that is quite simple and easy to use.

GhostMouse Features

Actually there are many free applications for Windows PCs that you can use to automate actions on the mouse and keyboard including Auto Mouse Click, Mouse Recorder, Jitbit Macro Recorder and so on.

This application is one that is quite popular, especially among users who want to use applications that are light and easy to use.

The number of users who prefer to use this application to automate actions on the mouse and keyboard is certainly not without reason, here are some features and advantages of GhostMouse that you need to know.

Record mouse and keyboard actions. This application can not only be used to record mouse actions, but you can also record actions on the keyboard.

Once recorded, you can repeat the action automatically without having to manually control the keyboard and mouse.

1. Playback speed control

Using this application you can also control the playback speed of actions on the mouse and keyboard according to your needs.

2. Available hotkey keys

Users don't need to bother controlling playback through the application window, because this application is equipped with hotkey buttons to record or play recordings.

3. Simple, light and easy to use
If it's your first time using this app, you don't have to worry about any trouble. The reason is, this application is packed with a simple and easy-to-use interface.

In addition, this application also has a fairly small size and does not require a lot of computer resources to work.

In short, if you want to automate actions on your mouse and keyboard to increase efficiency in performing repetitive tasks, then GhostMouse is one application you should consider.

Release Notes
  • Version 3.2.3
  • Bug fixes and feature improvements.

Download the Latest GhostMouse


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