Download Everything

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Download Everything

Everything is a free application for Windows PCs that allows you to quickly search for files and folders. When you first open this application, it will show you all the files and folders on your computer.

This application is suitable for those of you who use a computer that contains many folders or files, instead of searching for them manually by exploring each folder or computer storage location, by using this application you only need to type the name of the file or folder you want to search.

By using this application you don't have to bother exploring various storage locations to find the folder or file you are looking for. Search speed is one of the superior aspects of this application, because the file or folder you are looking for will appear directly.
Unlike the search feature embedded in Windows Explorer which usually takes a long time until the folder or file you are looking for is found.

Everything Features

Actually there are many free applications that can make it easier for you to search for files or folders on a Windows PC, this application made by David Carpenter is one that is quite popular.

The number of users who prefer to use this application is certainly not without reason, here are some of Everything's features and advantages that you need to know.

1. Search files and folders instantly

When first installed, this application will index all files and folders stored on your computer, the index time is quite fast, in 1 minute this application is able to index one million files.

Once indexed, this app will show all the files and folders found. To perform a search, you only need to type the name of the file or folder you want to search and this application will display the results in real-time and instantaneously.

2. Search files and folders in various ways

In addition to being able to search by typing file names, you can also search for files or folders using the boolean operator, wildcard, search for files with certain formats, search for files and folders in certain locations, using Regex and so on.

3. Sort search results

After the search is done, this application will instantly display the results according to the criteria you entered, you can sort the results based on certain criteria such as name, size, location, format and so on.

4. Free and easy to use

If it's your first time using this application, you don't need to worry about difficulties, because this application comes with a fairly minimalist interface and is easy to use.

Interestingly, all the features embedded in this application can be used completely for free. However, this application is free from malware, spyware, and adware.

In short, if you have a lot of files or folders and you want to do a quick search, then Everything is one application you should consider.

Release Notes
  • Update localization.
  • Fixed bugs and improved other features.

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