Download Empy Folder Cleaner 2.6 Free

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Download Empy Folder Cleaner Free

Empty Folder Cleaner is a free application for Windows PC that can be used to automatically delete empty folders to improve computer performance and tidy up folder collections.

Using this application you can permanently delete empty folders, delete them to the recycle bin so that they can be undone, or save as backup compressed into a ZIP file.

In addition to folders, this application is also equipped with a feature that allows users to quickly delete junk files by specifying file names using wildcards or regular expressions.

Empty Folder Cleaner Features

There are many free applications for Windows PCs that you can use to clean empty folders, this application made by 4dots Software is one that is quite popular, especially among users who want to use a folder cleaner application that can be used completely for free.

The number of users who prefer to use this application is certainly not without reason, here are some of the features and advantages of Empty Folder Cleaner that you need to know.

1. Three erasing modes are available

This application is equipped with three deletion modes that can be selected as needed, ranging from permanent deletion mode, delete to recycle bin which can be canceled, and saved as a compressed backup in a ZIP file.

2. Delete empty folders and junk files

Besides being able to be used to automatically delete empty folders, this application is also equipped with a junk file removal feature. Users can define the criteria for the trash file as they wish either using wildcards or regular expressions.

3. Ignore the folder or file from deletion

If you have folders or files that you don't want to delete, you can set this app to ignore those folders or files using wildcards or regular expressions.

4. Simple, free and easy to use

If it's your first time using this application, you don't need to worry about difficulties, because this application is packed with an interface that is quite simple and easy to use.

In addition, all the features embedded in this application can be used completely for free, but you need to be careful during the installation process because this application offers users to download third-party components.

Interestingly, this application is also available in a portable version that can be used directly without installation, you can even insert it into a flash drive for use on multiple computers.

In short, if you're looking for an empty folder remover app that you can use completely for free on your Windows PC then Empty Folder Cleaner is one of those apps that you need to consider.

Download Empy Folder Cleaner

Empy Folder Cleaner

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