Download Display Driver Uninstaller

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Download Display Driver Uninstaller

Display Driver Uninstaller is a free application for Windows that can be used to completely remove AMD, NVIDIA, Intel and so on graphics card drivers. By using this application, all leftover files from the driver will be deleted automatically including registry, folders, files and so on. 

To uninstall the driver can actually be done directly through the Windows Control Panel, but in some cases sometimes this feature does not work properly. In addition, this application is also suitable for those of you who not only want to uninstall the driver but also clean up the junk files left by the driver.

Features of Display Driver Uninstaller

Actually there are many driver uninstaller applications that you can use for free on Windows PCs, even some graphics card manufacturers also provide special applications for their users.

Nevertheless, this application made by Wagnard is one that is quite popular. The number of users who prefer to use this application is certainly not without reason. Here are some features and advantages of Display Driver Uninstaller that you need to know.

1. Run without installation (portable)

By using this application, you don't need to bother with the installation before removing the driver, because this application can be run directly without installation, aka portable.

Because of its portable nature, you can also save this application to a flash drive to run on several computers as long as the .NET Framework has been installed on the computer.

2. Free and easy to use

All the features embedded in this application you can use completely for free. If it's your first time using this app, there's no need to worry about difficulties.

The reason is, this application is quite easy to use. Your job is just to select the graphics card driver you want to remove and you can immediately choose one of several removal options, namely delete and restart, delete without restart, or delete and shutdown.

You also don't need to worry about computer performance being disrupted because this application uses a fairly low amount of CPU and RAM.

3. Supports various versions of Windows

If you're still using an old version of Windows, don't worry, this app doesn't support your computer. The reason is, DDU supports almost all versions of Windows from Windows Vista to Windows 10 whether it's 32-bit or 64-bit.

In short, if you want to uninstall the graphics card driver to the root or want to solve problems while uninstalling or installing the graphics card driver, then Display Driver Uninstaller is one application that you should consider.

However, before uninstalling the graphics card driver using this application, make sure the computer is not connected to the internet until you have successfully installed the new driver, so that Windows does not download and install it automatically.

Release Notes
  • Version
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent deletion of some NVIDIA driver folders.
  • Remove NVIDIA GFE ( service.
  • Update app translation.

Download the Latest Display Driver Uninstaller

Display Driver Uninstaller

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