Auslogics Registry Cleaner Free Download

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Download Auslogics Registry Cleaner Free

Auslogics Registry Cleaner is a Freeware that can find and fix registry errors, thus making your Laptop or computer faster and more stable.

Windows registry are files that contain descriptions/records of all files that have been accessed by the Windows operating system and the applications installed in it, either in the form of files from the drivers installed in the operating system, programs, data files.

Even temporary files, recorded in the windows registry. Programs or data that have been deleted will not "disappear" completely from the windows record, at least leaving a "hole" in it which we usually call fragmentation.

When uninstalling the application, not all configurations are completely erased and will leave residue in the registry. And vice versa when we install new applications. That's what causes a lot of junk keys in the registry. If left alone, of course, it will slow down the performance and stability of windows.

Windows will read all records of files stored in its registry, whether in the form of files that are still there, or files that have been lost or deleted. And, these “junk” records will not be lost if they are not cleaned.

Errors in the registry are unavoidable. For experienced users, deleting keys in the registry can be done manually, but for beginners, of course, it will be very risky to delete the wrong one, which can cause the system to crash or hang and have to re-install the operating system.

Features of Auslogics Registry Cleaner

Actually there are many registry cleaning applications that you can use on your Windows PC including Free Window Registry Repair, Registry Repair, Wise Registry Cleaner and so on, this application made by Auslogics is one that is quite popular.

The number of users who prefer to use this application is certainly not without reason, here are some of the features and advantages of Auslogics Registry Cleaner that you need to know.

1. Clean, repair, and optimize the Windows registry

Using this application you can clean, repair, and optimize the Windows registry to fix errors and improve Windows performance. Software that has been uninstalled sometimes still leaves behind unneeded junk files and registry, this is certainly not your fault, but many applications are so badly written that it doesn't guarantee a clean uninstall.

To solve the problem, you can use this application to clean registry keys left by uninstalled applications.

2. Select the desired registry entry

This application is also equipped with a feature that allows you to select the part of the registry that you want to scan. You can choose based on file extensions, fonts, installed software, startup items and so on.

3. View the scan results and choose how to handle them

After the registry scan process is complete, you will be redirected to the main window which contains information on the registry that was scanned successfully complete with the total number of problems, severity and so on.

You can select all or some registry items to repair, move to the ignored list, copy to clipboard and so on. In short, if you are looking for an application to clean and repair the Windows registry, then Auslogics Registry Cleaner is one application that you should consider.

But during installation, make sure you pay attention to all the steps because this application offers you to download some third-party software that you may not need. This application also provides a paid version, but for home users who don't need advanced features, the free version is certainly more than enough.

Download the Latest Auslogics Registry Cleaner

Auslogics Registry Cleaner

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