Download Advanced Renamer 3.88.1

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Download Advanced Renamer

Advanced Renamer is a free application for Windows PC that can be used to rename multiple files and folders at the same time. If you have a lot of files with irregular names, by using this application you don't have to bother changing the names one by one.

This application is suitable for those of you who often manage image files taken by digital cameras, by using this application you can change the name of the image files taken by digital cameras so that they have a more organized name.

You can change the file name to all uppercase or lowercase, or capitalize the first letter of each word to uppercase. You can even customize ID3 tags for music files and image EXIF ​​data.

Features of Advanced Renamer

There are many free applications for Windows PCs that you can use to rename multiple files at once, this application made by Hulubulu Software is one that is quite popular.

The number of users who prefer to use this application is certainly not without reason, here are some features and advantages of Advanced Renamer that you need to know.

1. Supports various file types

By using this application you can rename various types of files including image files, music, videos and so on in bulk.

Apart from changing file names, this application can also be used to edit EXIF ​​metadata information for images or ID3 for music. If you give wrong name, by using this app you can also revert filename to previous name.

2. Save the preset

If you are going to change filenames frequently with the same settings, you can save those settings into a preset. With this feature, you don't have to bother with setting various parameters for changing filename settings manually.

3. Free and easy to use

By using this application you don't have to worry about costs, because all the features embedded in this application can be used completely for free without costing a penny.

Apart from that, this application also comes with an interface that is quite intuitive and easy to use, if you are used to managing file names you will not have too much trouble when you first use this application.

Other features that are also embedded in this application include features to change the capitalization of file names, change file attributes, change extensions, add prefix and suffix text to file names, support Regular Expressions and Wildcards, and so on. In short, if you want to rename multiple files without the hassle of changing one by one, then Advanced Renamer is one app you should consider.

Release Notes
  • 3.86.1 version
  • Optimized ExifTool performance.
  • Fixed DPI issues.
  • Fixed the method panel not showing up.
  • Fixed bugs and improved other features.

Download the Latest Advanced Renamer

  • License: Freeware 
  • Developer: Kim Jensen
  • Operating System Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11

Advanced Renamer

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