10 Advantages of Windows 10 Compared to Previous Versions

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10 Advantages of Windows 10 Compared to Previous Versions

One of the operating systems that is currently being heavily promoted by Microsoft is Windows 10. After previously operating systems Windows 7 and Windows 8 became popular and widely used, Microsoft is now asking its loyal users to switch to Windows 10.

This is because Microsoft has discontinued its support for Windows 7 which means, you can still use it, but it is no longer guaranteed in terms of system security. However, why is it named Windows 10 by skipping Windows 9?

You need to know, Windows deliberately jumped Windows 9 in naming the operating system. Reportedly, this happened because Windows 10 is a comprehensive long-term platform and according to Microsoft, the name Windows 9 does not fit in the naming of the new operating system.

Some Advantages of Windows 10

Then, with this popularity, Windows 10 is not without quality. There are a number of advantages of Windows 10 that consumers adore. Anything? Check out the following advantages of Windows 10.

1. Compatible

Compatible windows 10

The most recent breakthrough in this Windows-based operating system is its compatibility. All kinds of applications on Windows 10 can be run on various types of devices (compatible).

So, you can not only use the application on a PC, but also smartphones and tablets. Incredibly, developers have to create applications with different screen sizes.

2. Voice, Pen and Gesture Support

Voice, Pen and Gesture Support

By using Windows 10, you will easily have a more natural interaction than with previous versions of Window.

This is because Windows 10 has voice, pen, and gesture support features. This feature also signifies its superiority in previous versions of Windows.

3. Free Upgrades

Free Upgrades

The word free is indeed an encouragement and joy for those who hear it. Yes, the Windows 10 operating system also provides upgrade capabilities that do not cost anything or are free.

This free upgrade feature can be enjoyed by users of Windows 7 and Windows 8 provided that the operating system is obtained legally or the original and licensed version. If you are using pirated Windows 7 and Windows 8, then it is certain that this feature cannot be used.

How to upgrade to a higher Windows that must be done is also quite easy, namely you only need to go to the page titled Windows 10 free upgrade. Then, select the upgrade button and make sure you comply with the applicable requirements.

Next, you just need to select the upgrade button and follow the steps listed on your computer and laptop screen. This upgrade method can be followed easily.

4. Start Menu button

Start Menu button

On the Windows 8 OS, the most obvious characteristic is the absence of the Start menu button, so that quite a lot of Windows 7 users are confused about the operation of Windows 8.

As a result, in the updated operating system on Windows 10, this problem is solved by returning the start menu button to its previous position.

Even though the Windows start menu is back in its original position, you can still feel the sensation of Windows 8 on your PC. So, you can feel the elegant appearance of Windows 8 with the ease of use on Windows 7. Cool, right!

5. Cortana Features

Cortana Features

Now is the time for gadgets to have virtual assistants, of course Windows 10 also doesn't miss presenting it for its loyal users.

A digital assistant is presented in Windows 10 with the name Cortana (Cortana personal windows digital assistant). The Cortana feature can not only give voice replies, but can also give orders and questions. Cortana also works like a personal assistant, so she can function as a reminder of time and place, even people.

The Cortana assistant feature can also be a flight schedule tracker, send email, send messages through various digital platforms, search for files and all the information we need, to open the application you need. Everything, at your command.

6. The presence of the latest Windows Store

The presence of the latest Windows Store

On Windows 10, you can enjoy one pretty interesting built-in feature, namely the presence of the latest Windows Store.

You as a user, of course, already understand that this feature works for various kinds of Windows 10 needs, such as applications, games, movies, music, and much more. So, it functions the same as the Google Play Store on Android devices or the App Store on Apple devices. This can be done on a PC, tablet, or smartphone.

7. Virtual Desktop Technology

Virtual Desktop Technology

This one feature is very interesting, because it doesn't exist in all operating systems and has only been implemented by Windows 10. This technology is a virtual desktop.

By using virtual desktop technology, you can create more than one desktop screen for different purposes. Users can combine similar windows with other windows on other desktop screens, so you can manage the contents of each desktop screen.

Of course this will make it easier for you to switch screens for different purposes. This feature function is very useful for those of you who need to find files or folders quickly and accurately.

8. The arrival of Microsoft Edge

The arrival of Microsoft Edge

One of the other advantages of Windows 10 lies in the browser. Internet explorer, which is the most legendary standard web browser from Microsoft, is no longer presented on the Windows 10 operating system.

The presence of Microsoft Edge is a replacement that is quite happy. Because, this latest web browser made by Microsoft can also be used on all devices with the Windows 10 operating system.

The good news is, Microsoft Edge is predicted to be the fastest and lightest web browser, but with a standard browser appearance, like other web browsers.

Microsoft Edge also brings a number of interesting features, such as annotation features that make it very easy for users, reading modes, to the ability to integrate with Cortana.

9. Continuum Features

Continuum Features

Another feature that is no less interesting in Windows 10 is the continuum feature which is a feature to make smartphones using the Windows 10 operating system feel like a laptop or PC. This excellent feature is also rarely owned by various other operating systems.

How to use it is to connect an external display, mouse, and keyboard with a smartphone that you use frequently. After that, you can immediately enjoy this Windows feature. However, of course there are some requirements that must be met if you want to have this feature related to smartphone specifications.

The minimum specs of a smartphone must have a screen with a resolution of 720p, 2 GB RAM, 8 GB internal storage, Bluetooth 4.0, and Wifi 802.11n.

10. The existence of an Xbox

The existence of an Xbox

Windows 10 users who are game maniacs will certainly be very happy with this game mode feature. This is not the first time Microsoft has tried to integrate Xbox with Windows. Microsoft tried it on Games for Windows Live in 2007.

However, it seems that the integration of Windows 10 with the Xbox this time is better than the previous experiment. With this you can play the game to your heart's content.

In fact, there are a number of interesting features in the presence of the Xbox this time, such as the all-in screen recording feature, XBox streaming to PC, built-in applications, Office Mobile and so on.

Those are the 10 advantages of Windows 10 that make it a permanent choice for PC or laptop users. Let's see if this operating system will provide additional features in the next Windows update! And for the discussion of the weaknesses or shortcomings of Windows 10 will be reviewed another time.

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