Type of Content is Usually ranked Higher by Google

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Every day, millions of content are uploaded to Google. However, the fact is that not all of them rank. This is because not every article, blog post, product description, or guide should be displayed on the first page. Google lets high-quality content appear in the top search results. That is why the rest of the material gets lost in the dark caves of its servers.

However, the question is, what type of content does Google prefer to rank high? Or, in simple words, what type of written text manages to reach higher positions in search results? Well, we can’t answer this question in a few words. That is why we have compiled an entire article on this topic.

In this guide, we will discuss how your content should look like to rank higher on Google. Let’s learn all the important factors:

What type of content is usually ranked higher by Google?

What type of content is usually ranked higher by Google?
What type of content is usually ranked higher by Google?

The ranking of content in search engines is directly related to traffic or the number of visitors to a website. The higher the ranking of a content in SERP or search results page, the greater the possibility of users clicking on the website. However, without quality content and the implementation of appropriate and continuous SEO techniques, it will be difficult for content to get a top ranking. In this article, we have summarized the discussion related to the types of SEO content that are effective in increasing rankings in search engines.

1. Usefulness

One of the most important elements that Google looks at in content is its usefulness. If your written material is not primarily created to benefit others, sorry, you can rank it. This is because the search engine places a high value on text that is user-friendly. These words are almost similar to the words used in Google’s content updates.

So, if you want your page to rank in search results, create useful content. Be it blogs, articles, or homepage content, try to solve a problem. Instead of stuffing irrelevant stuff to fit in some keywords, write what matters most. The information on your site should be such that it helps searchers achieve what they are looking for.

2. Originality

Originality is Google’s top priority. Google highly respects intellectual property and takes a tough stance against copyright infringement. If we look at the E-E-A-T guidelines, the letter “T,” which stands for trust, clearly shows the importance of original content. Using copied or stolen information will deserving your site of penalties. These penalties can range from lower rankings on some keywords to permanent site deletion.

Therefore, never compromise on the originality of your content. Instead, make sure your text is free from unintentional plagiarism, even if you have written every word yourself. You can use an online plagiarism checker for quick and accurate plagiarism checks. The online plagiarism checker allows you to quickly identify possible traces of unintentional similarities with others to make it unique before publishing.

3. Optimized for SEO

While Google requires you to create material that puts people first, it also recommends that your content be SEO-friendly. Properly optimized texts are more likely to rank in the top results. Therefore, in addition to prioritizing readers, make sure you also work on SEO optimization for your articles, blogs, and homepage texts. For this purpose, you can practice effective on-page techniques.

For example, you can search for and include relevant keywords in your topic. Likewise, you can structure your information using header tags so that Google bots can easily find and index your content. Additionally, creating attractive meta titles and descriptions and optimizing URLs can greatly improve your ranking.

4. Reader-Friendly

Another trait that your content must have in order to rank on Google is reader-friendly. Here, we mean that the information you provide to readers is understandable. Whatever the topic you are writing about, Google wants you to cover it comprehensively yet simply so that searchers can digest what you have written.

That is why, apart from providing in-depth details, remember to simplify it for the convenience of the readers. Use simple words and sentence structures so that everything is immediately understandable. Avoid jargon, technical terms, compound sentences, and improper information structures. Instead, write and organize your thoughts by dividing the topic into several subtopics.

5. Authority

Authority is one of the main factors that Google considers when deciding which content to rank. Simply put, the search engine gives great importance to content that is an authority in its field. When evaluating the authority of content, Google analyzes whether other people trust it or not. In other words, Google checks whether a particular page has received backlinks.

Content with more backlinks becomes more worthy of ranking higher. On the other hand, web content that fails to get enough external links will struggle to reach higher positions in Google SERP. So, if you really want to see your page in the top results, create content that is capable of getting backlinks. The more backlinks a particular page gets, the higher its content will rank.

6. Focus on Intent

You must admit that Google prioritizes content that focuses on intent. As mentioned, Google tries to show the most relevant results to a search query. When checking the relevance of a page to a keyword or search term, Google analyzes all the information in it. Google only shows a page in the results if its content satisfies the search intent (the intention behind the query). For example, if someone searches for “pest control products”, Google will immediately show a page containing the product, not an informational blog.

With this rule in mind, content must satisfy the search intent, no matter what topic or keyword you are writing about. Stay focused on the topic and try to answer all the questions that might come to the searcher’s mind. Avoid including excessive and irrelevant details. Instead, be concise and include what best suits the intent. Thus, your article or blog will be more worthy of being ranked based on its relevance.

What type of content is most searched on Google?

The development of digitalization has a beneficial impact on life. Influencing the activities of many sectors to become easier. The use of media is now more practical with the presence of digital media in your grasp. Just one click is enough to get information.

One of them is through the presence of Google Search which makes it easier for humans to get various information. It is recorded that more than 70 percent of online search requests worldwide are handled by Google. The Google search engine is also the most successful site on the internet.

In fact, the use of Google has reached 3.2 billion worldwide, increasing along with the increasing number of internet users. When viewed, internet users worldwide are 4.66 billion and smartphone users worldwide have also increased with a number reaching 5.22 billion people as of 2021.

Meanwhile, Google search engine users in Indonesia from Statcounter data throughout 2021 showed that Google was the most widely used search engine by the Indonesian people with a percentage of 81.99 percent.

In addition, reports from Google Trends data also show changes in several sectors such as beauty, finance, entertainment, culinary, and transportation. Among them from the beauty sector, public curiosity about new types of products such as ceramides is 133 percent and bakuchiol is 30 percent. Curiosity for men's products, the most searched topics are men's serums at 57 percent and men's facial wash at 62 percent.

Then, in the financial sector, the search for topics on learning investment is 83 percent. Followed by the entertainment sector from online games at 70 percent and the transportation sector for the topic of environmentally friendly vehicles at 230 percent and electric cars at 54 percent. The world community is also increasingly concerned about healthy food as seen from the culinary sector with searches for plant-based topics at 233 percent and low-fat milk at 69 percent.


In short, Google prefers content that is useful, original, SEO optimized, reader-friendly, authoritative, and internet-focused. So, if the content on your web page lacks any of these traits, make the necessary edits to rank higher on Google. Also, don’t forget to consider these factors when creating your next blog post, guide, product description, or any other web content.

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